October 28, 2020

by Paul Craig Roberts, cross-posted by permission
The Saker has written another interesting article in which he gives us the date of the collapse of the AngloZionist or American Empire: January 3, 2020, the day when Washington did not retaliate against Iran for Iran’s retaliation against Washington for murdering General Qasem Soleimani.
You can read The Saker’s case and make up your mind: https://thesaker.is/when-exactly-did-the-anglozionist-empire-collapse/
An equally good case could be made that the American Empire collapsed on September 11, 2001. This was the day that two symbols of American power—the World Trade Center and the Pentagon—were successfully attacked, according to the US government itself, by an old and dying Osama bin Laden and a handful of Saudi Arabians armed with box cutters. This unlikely group was able, according to Washington, to overcome the entire intelligence networks of the United States, NATO, and Israel’s Mossad, and deliver the most humiliating blow ever suffered by a ruling Superpower.
It was the day when nothing in the National Security State worked. US Airport Security failed four times on the same morning, allowing four US airliners to be hijacked. The US Air Force was unable to put fighters in the air to intercept the hijacked airliners, and two of them were flown into the World Trade Center towers and one into the Pentagon itself, while the Great Superpower was unable to defend itself from an old man in a cave in Afghanistan and a handful of young Saudis.
September 11, 2001, was the day that the world realized that the emperor had no clothes. If Osama bin Laden and a handful of Saudis could defeat the United States, anyone could.
I think The Saker is wrong about Donald Trump. Trump wanted to save American influence by ceasing its fruitless attempts to impose hegemony on the world. Trump wanted to bring the US soldiers home from the Middle East and to normalize relations with Russia. This was a major threat to the power and budget of the military/security complex and to the zionist neoconservatives’ desire to use American military power to make the Middle East into Greater Israel. If 9/11 did not end the American empire, the attack on President Trump from within the government did. The internal demonization of the American president called to mind the internal conflicts that destroyed the Roman Empire.
I agree with The Saker that the Empire is finished. Even if Trump wins and manages to be inaugurated, what can he do? He faces the same powerful forces that stymied his first term. If the crook Biden and the anti-white racist Kamala win, The Camp of the Saints will continue to unfold in the US as the majority white population is demonized, its memorials and history erased, and its power exterminated.
No white American will fight for a government that has demonized him, torn down his statues, and erased his people’s history. An army of feminists, transgendered, Hispanic immigrants, disaffected blacks, and displaced Muslims will not fare well against Russian, Chinese, and Iranian forces. Such a collection is not imbued with pride of country, a requirement for a fighting force.
More than the empire is dead. The country itself is dead.
Trump is trying to resurrect America, but are the people too far gone to respond? We will soon know.
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