Sunday 21 February 2010

The Jews' War Against Islam

2/17/2010 05:28:00 PM Reporter: Editor Publisher Hiyam Noir

- Interview with Sarah Al-Massri

By Mohammed Omar Upsala, Sweden
Founder of Anti-Zionist Party, to be officially launched 23 of February.

Edit & Translation Hiyam Noir

February 17 - 2010

Sarah Al-Massri, Lund in Sweden, is an Arabic women, born and raised in Egypt and Lebanon. She is a social pedagog, a practising Muslim, Palestine supporter, and member of the Anti-Zionist party.

MO: Why are you anti-Zionist?

SA: Zionism is a xenophobic ideology which has created many problems in the world. Problems that unfortunately only a few of the world's governments dare to admit. Zionism is the perfect example of systemic racism in its most repulsive form and the apartheid state of Israel came into being as a result of Zionism. Therefore, also Israel's legitimacy as a state must seriously be taken into question. The Zionists have been terrorising the Palestinians for over 60 years, without the world doing anything to stop them. The truth is that to justify Israel's oppression of the Palestinian people, has deprived the Palestinians of the protection which they are entitled to and which is stated in International Law, Humanitarian Laws and Human Rights Law.It is appalling that it is seen as OK for Israeli occupation forces to be engaged and continue it's eradication of the Palestinians.To the collective punishment of Palestinians by openly racially discriminate them, expel them from their land and homes by illegal settlements, and commit atrocities against them, it is pure madness.

MO: Do you have personal experience of the occupation?

SA: Even though I live in Sweden I am affected by the occupation. I follow my sisters and brothers constant struggle for survival and feel deep compassion for them. It is quite absurd how people there are denied access to obvious things such as health care, clean drinking water, electricity, education and so on. It is with great sadness I see how so many Palestinians still are forced to live their lives in refugee camps, and that so many Palestinian children have become orphans due to conflict.These realities are difficult emotions for me to handle.

MO: Do you feel as a Muslim that you have a special responsibility to engage in the Palestinian issue?

SA: Not just as a Muslim, but as fellow human being. I can not help thinking about it, if a European country would have to live and suffer under illegal occupation, It is quite obvious Europe and the rest of the world would have reacted immediately. Why then Palestinians, are the Arabs an exception? You can not ignore the fact that it was the Western powers who co-founded Israel and Zionism, without the help of these Western countries, the erection of the Zionist state Israel never would be able to emerge.Is it right that these countries should go free from responsibility? Is it not specifically their obligation to take the blame for what is going on in Palestine today. The Palestinian issue is therefore a global problem and for that reason it requires an international commitment.

MO: What should we do to combat Zionism?

SA: Restrict its power by actively increasing the resistance. By both local and global dissemination of knowledge and facts to others using the network, blogs, etc. Stopping the arms trade and military cooperation with Israel. Stop using Israeli products and call for a boycott of these products.

MO: What is the situation in the vicinity of Malmö? In response to the demonstration against Israel during the Davis World Cup, the tennis competition, did these activities increased the awareness of the Palestinian struggle, and the support of the Swedish and the international anti-Zionist movement?

SA: I think that more people now dare to protest publicly and demonstrate a clear solidarity with the Palestinian people. It is important not to stand passive!

MO: Do you think that Swedish Jews sufficiently have moved away from Zionism and terrorism carried out in their name?

SA: My understanding is that some Jews have actually been expelled from Israel for being critical and supportive of the Palestinians in combating Zionism, however,it is reprehensible that there are still so few Jews who does not condemn Israeli policies, taken a more critical stance regarding the occupation.The Jews are after all our fellow human beings together with the Arabs they should have a moral responsibility to support the Palestinians and condemn the occupation.

MO: Will Palestine be free one day? Are you hopeful?

SA: When the idea of justice and equal rights will take effect, only when the Palestinians and the "peace process" is based upon justice and equal rights for all, then Palestine will be free.

"World Jewish Zionism, today, constitutes the last racist ideology still surviving and the Zionist's state of Israel, the last outpost of "Apartheid" in the World. Israel constitutes by its mere existence a complete defiance to all international laws, rules and principles, and the open racism manifested in the Jewish State is a violation of all ethics and morals known to Mankind."

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