Sunday 21 February 2010

The Jews' War Against Islam

The Jews' War Against Islam
2/20/2010 10:45:00 PM Reporter: Editor Publisher Hiyam Noir

By Ahmed Rami

Zionists in Sweden are using the Jewish propaganda accusation of "anti-Semitism" and the Jewish law of "incitement to racial hatred", to silence any criticism of their ill- doings.The law on incitement to "racial hatred" was already enforced in the 1940s by Jewish pressure and Holocaust propaganda.The Zionists have also succeeded in enforcing similar legislation, in all the countries in which they gained power and influence.Zionists were thus absent in very good time, they acquired the weapons to take on as a gag on it's opponents.We see here again how well the plan is followed, set out in writing the Elders of Zion Protocol.

The accusation of "anti-Semitism" and the law on 'incitement to racial hatred "is used today to silence any criticism of the Jewish state of Israel and its cruel occupation of Palestine. The law of incitement to racial hatred is also used to silence any criticism of the Jewish anti-democratic forces here in Sweden.It must be acknowledged that the Zionists apply their gag-law in a diabolically clever way. Using mutes the Zionists are not only critical of themselves, but, as a delaying tactic, the law also lets them apply any power from the point of view of for instance insignificant minorities, such as the Gypsies. Zionist followers can thereby convince themselves that they are enlightened and humane people, who see them self as above racial prejudice and other forms of vulgar opinions.

This feeling of sublimity is extremely important for many GOY,( the tongue-tied). If this had been the complete law on incitement to racial hatred,the Jews has still not been able to obtain such acceptance among the Gentiles (non-Jews in Hebrew - the Gentiles who eats animal meat). We must not think that gojen in common is a Christian individual who walks around and just loves his neighbor. No, Christ, according to the Zionists, used to articulate the hatred he may feel towards other people and groups.

And here comes the Zionist brilliant move. They have simply excluded the two major groups from the application of the law on hate, namely the Muslim Arabs and the Palestinians, secondly, the Germans! So can the little gojen both have its cake, and eat it! He may feel nobly magnanimous when he refrains from criticism of Jews and Gypsies, at the same time, he is without the least risk to be caught breaking the law, when he continues his incitement of Muslims and the Germans. And the Zionists-owned or-controlled media can uninterrupted, continue its mission of directing the Jewish propaganda.

We are all living evidence, exposed daily to the hateful depictions of Germans in the Zionist-controlled media. A conspiracy carefully engineered, to replace the Germans against Jews, a conspiracy of the Zionist's. The Post Office should burst of notifications for incitement of hatred! Equally obvious, is the witch hunt against Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians, then the so-called Islamophobia, which has its roots in the old Jewish war propaganda against Islam, which encourage the Palestinian resistance to fight against the Jewish occupation of Palestine.

Let us use one example. On the 24th of May 1989, the Jewish-owned Swedish mainstream newspaper,the Daily News, published an oped piece, titled, "Muslim apartheid can get a foothold." These incitements about Islam, as being a "threat to our fragile equality." and further, "the Muslims are already a strong pressure group,". "What are their ambitions ( the Muslims) determining the degree of the resistance they encounter." Here we have a classic example of how the Jew use incitement, to discriminate Islam, which the Zionists otherwise is so quick to condemn !

Moreover; - "the religious loyalty ( of Islam) takes precedence over loyalty to their new country( Sweden)." Here we have the allegation of dual loyalty, which is considered a crime. What a false hypocrisy ! The oped in the Daily News concludes with the assertion, that Muslims want to live according to their religion their pattern of life in Sweden!

Take all these allegations and replace Muslims and Islam with Judaism and Jewish. We get exactly the counts for which the Radio Islam and my book "What is Israel?" was condemned in the Stockholm District Court 1990, guilty of an offense! Where is the difference when comparing my book "What is Israel?"and Salman Rushdie's book, which received many Jewish Prices? My book criticizes the ideology of Israel, a subjugator, a state who defeats and enslaves. Rushdie's book (Satanic Verses), made a mockery of, and humiliated the Muslims, whom were resembled as oppressed and weak.The "Satanic Verses" was endorsed and praised in the name of freedom of expression!
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