Washington and rogue NATO partners plan conflict, not peace. They want Assad replaced by someone they control. Violence rages to achieve it. Expect lots more followed by war if current efforts fail.
In Istanbul, pretense dissolved. So did Annan's sham peace plan. Couched in diplomatic language, it was more theater than resolve to end conflict peacefully.
While calling for both sides to stop violence, it demanded Assad act first. Doing so ignored his responsibility to protect his people against Western-backed insurgents. Yet he's blamed for doing his job.
US-led conference backs Syrian puppet group, threatens war |
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants insurgents better armed "to defend themselves." He barely stopped short of declaring war, adding:
On April 2, The Times headlined, "Syria Dismisses Notions of Foreign Intervention," saying:
"Syrian authorities dismissed the gathering. (The) official Al Baath newspaper declar(ed):"
"Despite all the hype, the conference of the ’Enemies of Syria’ produced only meager results, showing it was unable to shake Syrians’ rejection of foreign intervention."
"The second session of the Group was held in Istanbul, but Russia did not take part in it. According to coming reports, unfortunately, the Istanbul meeting took place on the unilateral basis."
"Neither representatives of the Syrian government nor influential groups of the Syrian political opposition were represented at the meeting."
"The Group’s intentions on direct, as well as military and logistics, support for the armed opposition will, of course, run counter the peaceful settlement of the civil conflict in Syria."
They "reaffirmed (their) determination to support the just cause of the Syrian people." They committed to help and provide aid. They called the situation on the ground "grave." They stopped short of admitting responsibility.
They blamed their crimes on Assad. Major media scoundrel headlines, of course, regurgitate their lies and deceptions.
They expressed "deep regret of the continuation of the actions of the Syrian regime," despite accepting Annan's plan. It reflects "the insincerity of the regime."
Its window of opportunity to comply "is not open-ended." A timeline will be determined. "(A)ppropriate measures" will follow otherwise. "The Group expressed full support (for) the opposition," and advanced its agenda.
Syria National Coordinating Committee for Democratic Change meets near Damascus |
Syria's National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change (NCC) and other nonviolent opposition groups want contentious issues resolved peacefully. They reject SNC/Free Syrian Army violence.
"The Friends’ Group strongly urged all the members of the international community to take all necessary measures to deprive the regime of the means it is using to oppress the Syrian people. In this regard, prevention of the regime’s access to arms is at the foremost."
At issue is trying to turn them against sitting governments. It rarely works. When outside forces target them politically, financially or belligerently, populations usually rally around them for help.

The Group "expressed its grave concern about the worsening humanitarian situation in Syria." It stopped short of naming who's responsible.
"The Friends’ Group expressed their thanks and appreciation to Turkey for hosting the Second Conference of the Group of Friends of the Syrian People. The Group agreed to hold its next meeting in France."
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
posted by Steve Lendman @ 12:21 AM
River to Sea
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