Local Editor

Terrorist attacks were being planned for Lebanon in the coming days by terrorist groups linked to an extremist organization that entered the country lately, well-informed sources revealed to As-Safir newspaper on Wednesday.
The well-informed sources told the daily that they have received reliable but extremely dangerous information about terrorist attacks that were being planned.
The sources said that several countries informed relevant Lebanese authorities of these information which intersected with similar data obtained by some Lebanese security services, according to the newspaper.

“The content of the information is that a terrorist group affiliated with an extremist organization entered Lebanon lately to carry out sabotage attacks, including the assassination of a number of prominent Lebanese figures. Among the list of specific targets was Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri, who had previously received similar indications,” As-Safir reported.
In a same context, Berri commented to As-Safir about the situation in Tripoli and said: It is necessary to back the army in order for it to be able to preserve security and prevent strife.
He expressed relief that the army deployed in the northern city and indicated that it was a “big mistake” to stop national dialogue sessions in these difficult circumstances.
Source: Newspapers
16-05-2012 - 12:03 Last updated 16-05-2012 - 12:03
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
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