Friday, June 22nd, 2012
In the 24 hours to 8am 21 June 2012, Israeli air strikes killed a 14-year-old boy, Momen al-Adam, and injured 2 children. Imagine the headlines and outrage that would be expressed by our politicians and news media if a 14-year-old Israeli boy had been killed and two Israeli children injured.
But that’s not all, more Israeli air strikes destroyed five homes and a school. Imagine the headlines if Palestinians had destroyed Israeli homes or a school. Yet another Israeli air strike destroyed a Gaza home and damaged others nearby. Our news media didn’t think that newsworthy either.
The Israeli Navy, (Israel is a favoured member of the OECD) opened fire on and hijacked a Palestinian fishing boat in the same 24-hour period. Would our news media and politicians have taken notice if an Israeli fishing boat had been fired upon and hijacked? The answer is obvious. Eight Palestinian towns and villages suffered night raids and/or home invasions in the same period. Israeli homes in Israel are never invaded at night or in the day.
While silence amounts to complicity, proper reporting and publicity could contribute a valuable and non-violent form of pressure upon Israel to respect international law and basic human rights.
River to Sea
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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