Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
When president Obama visited Egypt in June 2009, and gave his famous and good for nothing speech for the Muslim world from the big reception hall at Cairo University, he and his team must have felt that Cairo was the quietest and most peaceful place on earth second only to the Seychelles islands.The reason for that was so simple, but rather dictatorial; the deposed President Mubarak was so careful nothing and no one would bother the American delegation, he simply ordered the day off for all Cairenes whom were also told to stay home and not venture to go out until Mr. Obama had already boarded his flight back to the States.
Mrs. Hillary Clinton, who have been lately engaged in a diplomatic drone attacks on the Russians and the Chinese over the Syrian issue, must have thought nothing would be rewarding and relaxing like winding up her latest world tour with a visit to the historic city of Cairo, where she would only have to do the hand shake-routine and smile back at few of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) faces, but at the end of the day she would have all the time to enjoy sightseeing, may be the pyramids, and indulge in the Cairene serenity, she still recalls from the 2009 visit.
President Morsi meets secretary Clinton in Cairo |
There was something huge brewing up, which Mrs. Clinton was not informed with, awaited her arrival.
In her brief and careful remarks after meeting with the newly elected president, Mr. Mohamed Morsi of the MB, and Instead of calling for an immediate handover of power as American officials have in the past, Mrs. Clinton instead emphasized only the need for “building consensus across the Egyptian political spectrum.”
What Mrs. Clinton did is simply add more gray to the current vague picture, whereas what most Egyptians longed for is black and white.The White House’s struggle to deliver a satisfactory message here, for all parties involved including Israel, reflects its dilemma with how to deal with a rapidly evolving contest for power whose outcome remains yet unclear.
More shoes and tomatoes
One of the Coptic community protesting Clinton’s visit to Egypt |
According to the protesters, the American administration unable to curb down the post-Mubarak Islamist tide, decided to use the MB to discipline Hamas and may be make it come to terms with Israel.
By nightfall Saturday, thousands of protesters, who practically surrounded Mrs. Clinton’s Hotel, kept chanting anti-American and anti-MB slogans all night long.
One of the protest leaders chanted “If you like the MB so much, why you don’t take them back with you”
General Tantawi meets Clinton |
The meeting with general Tantawy was seen by some of the liberal parties as a provocative move that added to the polarization of the political scene in Egypt.
As if this was not enough of a disappointment for Mrs. Clinton, her invitation to convene with the Coptic heads was unexpectedly turned down by most of the leaders of the Christian community in Egypt.
On Sunday, and after inaugurating the new American consulate in Alexandria, all of Mrs. Clinton’s appointments and her expected visit and speech at the library of Alexandria, an event I planned to attend, were cancelled for security reasons.“We kind of hoped Mrs. Hillary Clinton had transparently met with all parties and factions of the Egyptian political spectrum in the same room, and not to divide and aggravate the already volatile situation by meeting with the Salafists and the MB first and in private and then ask to meet with some of the Coptic community heads” said Emad Gad, a prominent Coptic activist.
The road to the library of Alexandria was practically blocked by anti-American protesters who raised shoes, a sign of disrespect, and showered Mrs. Clinton’s car with a descent quantity of Egyptian tomatoes forcing her car to turn around and head for the airport.
After almost one year and a half of the so called Arab Spring, I think it’s only fair to admit that the Europeans and the Americans were outpaced and taken by surprise by the uprisings in both Tunisia and Egypt and it was not before Gaddafi took up arms did they sober up and sent in the NATO planes.
After that they were ready, and in full gear, for Syria, where the Arab spring turned into a nightmare and a theater for all the local and international powers to play out their ugliest plans.
Till this moment, the American administration is trying to make head or tail of the post-Mubarak Egypt and May be that’s why we don’t hear the Obama’s campaign Bragging about how they got rid of Mubarak. Because, frankly, they didn’t.
As the American plane was taking off the Cairo airport and heading for Tel Aviv, I guess Mrs. Clinton started typing down the report on her two-day visit to Egypt, and her lines went as follows …
“Egyptians are not happy with our current stance, the MB are wary of our moves, and I don’t trust them as well. I’m Afraid we don’t have an influence over the generals … not even by threatening to withhold the American annual aide; anyway we’ve done it before and didn’t work. Dealing with the Islamists will cost us; it has already turned the seculars and Copts against us. As for the peace treaty with Israel, no robust commitment detected, and there are too many possible scenarios. … I don’t know, but I liked Egypt 2009 better. Cairo is not tranquil nor friendly as it used to be”
Salaam,see first 2 pages at thenakedfacts log
Bro see new video sent to me via a cousin of mine....fsa terrorists w saudi flag go to thenakefacts
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