Thursday 9 August 2012

Palestinian Rights Are Not Negotiable

According to Ariadna Theokopoulos the below piece is an exercise in “khalidism” that summarizes some of the main characteristics of a piece of writing whose goal is to promote the Israel-NATO agenda using sectarian hatred as a method.

Yes, despite intentions, "Khalidism" serves Israel-NATO agenda, but I would like to add that "Khalidism" represents the opportionism of the brotherhood who would deal with the devil to achieve its goals.

by Ariadna Theokopoulos

Ariadna TheokopoulosThursday, August 9th, 2012

While many are wrapping themselves in the Palestinian rights flag, most of them represent in fact different agendas they are pursuing, which have one thing in common: they are anti-Islamic.

Whom can we, Palestinians, trust? We see our brothers and sisters in Syria being butchered by a murderous tyrant who orders his army of thugs to rape women, kill children, and massacre civilians.

Israel and NATO may or may not truly wish to see the tyrant go but that should not blind us to the Truth: we should accept support from whomever helps the freedom fighters liberate Syria and bring back true Islam to its people.

Khalid Amayreh
Palestinian Journalist Thug : Khaled Amayreh
I am a Palestinian activist and a respected writer, as can be seen here, and here, and here (links pending), who has suffered in Israeli jails for my activities, but I say this:
I would rather live under Israeli occupation than under the power of Hezbollah and its anti-Islam, false Islam deviationists, sectarian rapists and murderers who call themselves shias.
Those who keep talking about “Israel” and “jews” — whether they are deluded muslims, anti-semites or self-obsessed jews, are trying to divert our attention from the real danger: the war on Islam going on in the world, waged by deviationists.

Palestinians are muslims first, sunnis — and therefore true muslims — and last. “Palestine” denotes just a meaningless geographical division of Islam.

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“Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery” comes with lots of exceptions: persiflage, satire, irony, sarcasm, all turn imitation on its head.

The above piece is an exercise in “khalidism” that summarizes some of the main characteristics of a piece of writing whose goal is to promote the Israel-NATO agenda using sectarian hatred as a method. The main features are:

1. A deceiving title: the subject is most definitely not Palestinian rights, yet the piece might register in many places as “pro-Palestinian.”
2. False information about the nature of the bloodshed in Syria and its perpetrators, using the handy model of the propaganda disseminated on Libya.
3. Support for NATO’s aggression on Syria under the guise of humanitarian concern.
4. Sectarian hate used to create a poisoned split between sunnis and shias.
5. Deflection of criticism of Israel.
6. Last, and most important, a covert but unmistakable denial of Palestinian rights, deceptively called for in the title.

The bullet points are easy enough to master even for a barely articulate writer.

Add to the mix a vitriolic, invective-filled attack on any critics, masquerading as righteous indignation.
Above all, remember this, “respected Palestinian activists”:  Nothing about Palestine!

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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