Monday 4 August 2014

An Appeal to President Putin and the Russian Federation: Please Provide Direct Military and Administrative Support for Gaza and Palestine

 By Arthur Topham

PutinGazaAppeal copy
An Appeal to President Putin and the Russian Federation: 
Please Provide Direct Military and Administrative Support for Gaza and Palestine
Arthur Topham
August 3, 2014
The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canada,
285 Charlotte Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 8L5
Dear Ambassador,
It would be with great and sincere appreciation if you could pass this appeal on to President Putin and the Russian Federation for their consideration.
The world requires peace and I believe that the Russian Federation holds the means to accomplishing that noble aim in its hands.
Thank you,
Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
Phone: 1-250-992-3479
4633 Barkerville Highway
Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6T8

Dear President Putin and the People of the Russian Federation,
Recent events in Gaza have now shown the world that Israel is prepared to genocide the whole of the Palestinian people in its quest for absolute control of the Middle East. Their blatant actions have pushed the envelope of their credibility as a morally and legally acceptable member of the nations of the planet to its maximum and the time has come for the international community to execute extraordinary measures that go beyond the scope of what the United Nations Organization is capable of providing in terms of reasonable protection for the Palestinian people.
Without a doubt the West has also lost the ability to respond to this crucial crisis that now faces Palestine and Gaza. Every nation state is fully under the sway of the Zionist juggernaut that’s been steadily and relentlessly pursuing its agenda for, not only middle eastern dominance, but global hegemony.
The world, now more than ever in its history, is a tinderbox of terror and fear – held in some strange, occult form of spiritually and morally suspended animation – while the people are left emasculated and bereft of any real means of affecting what is now transpiring in Gaza. Their so-called “democratic” governments have all been deliberately misdirected by the Zionist forces within their boundaries so as to effect a debilitating situation wherein all of the heads of state are now held in thrall to Israel and no longer willing to listen to their people and stand up for International law and what is morally and humanly acceptable behaviour.
Paralyzed, as it were, by the Zionist lobby and the machinations of the Zionist media that heavily influences public opinion, we, the people of the West are now powerless to intervene in any meaningful way in order to stop the slaughter and destruction that is occurring in Gaza.
Time is of the essence. We need help from the only remaining power in the West that has the strength and the rectitude to come to the aid of the Palestinian people and that is Russia.
It is my plea to you that you initiate direct communications with the government of Hamas and offer to immediately send Russian military and medical personal to Gaza and to the West Bank and set up a mutually agreed upon pact that would see any and all military aggression on the part of the state of Israel met by direct and immediate counter attacks against the cities of Israel using equivalent or superior technological weaponry.
My plea is for Russian to take on the role of protectorate of the Palestinian people and all of the territory that has been illegally expropriated from them since the inception of the Jewish state of Israel in May of 1948.  It’s the only plan of action that will realistically stop the killing of the Palestinian people and the theft of their land and resources.
The world stands ready for any nation with the military might and the strength and resilience of character to come to the aid of Gaza and the people of Palestine as a whole. I believe that fate has ordained it is for the Russian people to willingly take on this task on behalf of a world now sorely distressed and incapacitated by centuries of Zionist intrigue and manipulation. I also believe that in doing so Russia will go down in history as the one nation that was ultimately responsible for having put an end to global conflict and bringing peace to the world.
The time for your intervention in the genocide of Gaza is upon you. Please respond, not only for the sake of the Palestinian people but for the world at large who long for the bloodshed and the destruction to finally end.

Arthur Topham
Publisher & Editor
The Radical Press
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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