Uprooted Palestinians are at the heart of the conflict in the M.E Palestinians uprooted by force of arms. Yet faced immense difficulties have survived, kept alive their history and culture, passed keys of family homes in occupied Palestine from one generation to the next.
There is an incomprehensible equation that dominates the contradictory feelings, on one hand, the tears of farewell for the departure of a hero as the Major General Issam Zahreddine, while he writes the history of the steadfastness of Syria, the legendary of its victory, and the epic of leaders who write with blood an algorithm equation for victory. Those leaders at the forefront line of war are martyrs whose their martyrdom is equal the victory of the homeland, on the other hand, there is a pulse of joy in the words of the Speaker of the Kuwaiti parliament Marzouq Al-Ghanim at the International Parliament Union conference in Petersburg, while he addressed the Israeli parliamentary delegation with his stark words saying “Pack you bags, and leave, you are terrorists and murderers”, but with the return to the first sparkle where the warm feelings stroke, the two speeches have one message, it is the time of the vivid spirit of a resistance which neither the strife, nor the policies of intimidations, normalization, or wars succeeded in extinguishing it.
In a country which sacrificed of tens of thousands and even thousands of thousands of martyrs, the news of the martyrdom of the Major General Issam Zahreddine was an interpretation of the secret of victory, where the leaders who are martyred are as the good omen for the victory to come, and where the trace of the steps of the leaders and the soldiers are signs of the progress in the Syrian geography from a battle to anther and from an epic to another, and where the photo of the martyr who met his friends across Badia to lift the siege on the Airport of Deir Al-Zour, hugging them as brave conquerors on the day of the Great Conquest, carrying one of the wounded soldiers in one of the battles going through the fire, smoke, and ruin, as the image of Syria and its army is clear far from the lie of partisanship, regions, and sects. The Syrian legend of victory through its champions is full of hundreds of stories that are mixed with blood and which unifies its unity. It is a great victory that is a result of the great patience and great pain, thus the cost of the great victory of the great homeland is no less than the blood of great leaders.
In Petersburg where dozens of the speakers of parliaments gather at the International Parliament Union conference, and where the Arab official situation is at its worst condition through disintegration, loss, and normalization of the relationship with the enemy which usurps Palestine and which is ready for more aggression, and where the definition of the enemy especially in the Gulf countries has become Iran rather than the entity of the occupying entity, and where the priority to overthrow the spirit of the resistance and its forces excel everything else, and where there is no objection to tamper with the extremism and the terrorism as a partner in the war of overthrowing the resistance. moreover where the US President who boasts of being the closest friend to Israel among the presidents of America is being celebrated as a salvager and a hero among the rulers of the Gulf, and where the parliaments in our countries are not contradictory to the policy of the government Marzouq Al-Ghanim got out of his seat among the attendees as a speaker of the Kuwaiti parliament and the head of the delegation which participated in the conference, his eyes were filled with anger and rage from the speech of the Israeli delegation about terrorism, he did not hesitate and he did not care about the considerations imposed by politics, alliance, analyses, and interpretations, he held the microphone and in few seconds he addressed the Israeli delegation saying. O, you are terrorists, killers of children. Pack your bags and depart, he kept shouting, Leave.. Leave… until the Israeli delegation left.
It is not important to interpret and to analyze the martyrdom of the Major General Issam Zahreddine, as it is not important to analyze the words of the Speaker of the Parliament Marzouq Al-Ghanim. Because they are expressions of deep pulse, they are not subject to the cold considerations; the spirit of the resistance is stronger than to be tamped by the calls of the spineless political reality and the dull rationality. Israel will remain the enemy and the resistance will remain the recipe of victory through the bloody way of the great leaders.
– معادلة غير مفهومة تستولي على المشاعر المتناقضة، فمن جهة بدموع الوداع لترجّل فارس ورحيل بطل كاللواء عصام زهر الدين. وهو يكتب سيرة صمود سورية وأسطورة نصرها وملحمة قادة يكتبون بالدم، معادلة خوارزمية لوصفة النصر، القادة في الصف الأمامي للحرب شهداء تعادل صناعة نصر الوطن، ومن جهة مقابلة نبض فرح بكلمات رئيس البرلمان الكويتي مرزوق الغانم في مؤتمر الاتحاد البرلماني الدولي في بطرسبورغ وهو يتوجّه للوفد البرلماني الإسرائيلي بكلماته الصارخة وهو يقول «احزم حقائبك وارحل يا إرهابي يا قاتل». لكن في العقل البارد، وحيث تشتعل الشرارة الأولى للعواطف الحارة، للحدثين رسالة واحدة، إنّه زمن الروح الحية لمقاومة تنبض في العروق، لم تنجح الفتن ولا سياسات الترويض والتطبيع والحروب بقتلها.
– في بلد قدّم عشرات الآلاف، بل مئات الآلاف من الشهداء ليحيا، لا يتقدّم خبر استشهاد اللواء عصام زهر الدين فيه إلا كتفسير لسرّ النصر، حيث القادة يُستشهدون كبشارة للنصر الذي يتقدّم، بمثل ما كان وقع أقدام القادة والجنود يرسم التقدّم في الجغرافيا السورية من موقعة إلى موقعة ومن ملحمة إلى ملحمة، وحيث صورة الشهيد يلاقي رفاقه الذين قدموا عبر البادية لفك الحصار عن مطار دير الزور وهو يهتف لهم كأبطال فاتحين في يوم الفتح العظيم، تلاقي صورته وهو يحمل أحد الجنود الجرحى في إحدى المعارك على كتفه ويمضي به وسط النار والدخان والركام. كما ترتسم صورة سورية وجيشها، فوق أكذوبة العصبيات والمناطق والطوائف، وأسطورة النصر السورية بمحطات البطولة مليئة بمئات الحكايات عن خريطة الدم ترسم وحدتها، وعن فاتورة الشهادة الغالية مهراً لنصر، نصر عظيم يولد من رحم عظيم الصبر وعظيم الألم، ومهر النصر العظيم لوطن عظيم لا يمكن أن يكون أقلّ من دماء قادة عظام.
– في بطرسبورغ، حيث يحتشد عشراتُ رؤساء البرلمانات في مؤتمر الاتحاد البرلماني الدولي وحيث الحال الرسمية العربية في أسوأ ما مرّ عليها من تفكّك وضياع وانخراط في التطبيع مع العدو الذي يغتصب فلسطين ويستعدّ للمزيد من العدوان وحيث تعريف العدو خصوصاً في دول الخليج، يحطّ رحاله في إيران كبديل يشغل مقعد العدو، بدلاً من كيان الاحتلال وحيث الأولوية إسقاط روح المقاومة وقواها، تتفوّق وتتقدّم على كلّ ما عداها، خصوصاً حيث لا مانع من اللعب والعبث مع التطرف والإرهاب كشريك مضارب في حرب إسقاط المقاومة وحيث يُحتفل بالرئيس الأميركي المتباهي بكونه أكثر أصدقاء «إسرائيل» بين رؤساء أميركا، يُحتفل به كمخلّص وبطل بين حكام الخليج وحيث في بلادنا لا يعبّر البرلمان عما يناقض سياسة الحكومة، يخرج مرزوق الغانم من مقعده بين الحضور كرئيس للبرلمان الكويتي ولوفد بلاده المشارك في المؤتمر، وقد امتلأت رئتاه غيظاً وغضباً من كلام الوفد «الإسرائيلي» عن الإرهاب، فلم يتردّد ولم يتمهّل، ولم يقم الحسابات المريضة التي تفترضها أحوال السياسة والتحالفات والتحليلات والتأويلات، وأمسك المذياع أمامه وفي ثوانٍ قليلة خاطب رئيس الوفد «الإسرائيلي» قائلاً، «أيها الإرهابي، يا قاتل الأطفال، احزم حقائبك وارحل». وبقي يصرخ مكرّراً، ارحل، حتى رحل الوفد «الإسرائيلي».
– ليس مهمّاً تفسير وتحليل شهادة اللواء عصام زهر الدين، كما ليس مهمّاً تحليل كلمات الرئيس مرزوق الغانم، فكلتاهما تعبير عن نبض يمتدّ عميقاً بين القلب والرئة، لا يخضع للحسابات الباردة عندما تغلي الدماء الحارة لتكتب، أنّ روح المقاومة أقوى من أن تروّضها دعوات الواقعية السياسية البليدة والمتخاذلة، والعقلانية الصفراء الباهتة، وأنّ «إسرائيل» ستبقى العدو، والمقاومة ستبقى وصفة النصر، والقادة العظماء مهر الطريق المعبّد بالدماء.
Issam Zahriddine’s body has arrived late Wednesday in Damascus after being flown from Deir Ezzor.
Syria is to bid farewell to late Major General Zahreddine who was martyred in Deir Ezzor Wednesday, when his convey ran over a landmine placed by ISIL Takfiri terrorists.
General Zahreddine led elite divisions of the Syrian Republican Guard, one of the fiercest and most dedicated fighting forces throughout the Syrian war of resistance against Takfiri terrorism and foreign aggression.
Well known as the “Lion of Syria” or “Lion of the Republican Guard,” Zahreddine’s forces ultimately broke the three-year-long ISIL siege over Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria, paving the way for the penultimate defeat of the terrorist group as a fighting force in Syria.
Prior to this, Zahreddine played a crucial role in liberating Aleppo from Takfiri terrorists.
General Zahreddine’s martyrdom has sent Syria into mourning. His body has arrived late Wednesday in Damascus after being flown from the Deir Ezzor Governorate.
While full details about his funeral have not been released, it is believed that his body will be transported to his ancestral village of Tarba in the Al-Sweida Governorate.
Kuwait’s chief lawmaker was angered by an ‘Israeli’ parliament representative’s comments on imprisoned Palestinian lawmakers at an international conference on Wednesday, Kuwait’s news agency, KUNA, reported.
Get out of the hall right now if you have an atom of dignity … You occupier, child killers, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem told parliamentarians gathered at Inter-Parliamentary Union talks in Russia.
“The saying ‘if you have no shame do as you please’ applies to the comments made by this rapist [‘Israeli’] parliament,” Al-Ghanem said.
During a discussion about the condition of Palestinian lawmakers arrested by ‘Israeli’ authorities, Al-Ghanem said that this “represented the most dangerous types of terrorism – the terrorism of the state”.
“You should grab your bags and leave this hall as you have witnessed the reaction of every honorable parliament around the world,” he said, addressing the Zionist delegation.
“Leave now if you have one ounce of dignity, you occupier, you murderer of children.”
The ‘Israeli’ delegation left the talks following the remarks by Al-Ghanem and several other parliaments in the midst of applause.
The 137th session of the IPU is currently underway in St Petersburg, Russia. The international organization sees representatives from 176 sovereign states come together for negotiations and talks.
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