Blumenthal posted a video to YouTube called “Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem on Eve of Obama’s Cairo Address”. Then, without explanation, YouTube took down the video and has stonewalled all attempts to find out what happened.

This video is important. We know this kind of hatred and extremism is a real phenomenon in our Jewish communities. It needs to be unearthed and looked at with the same seriousness we want to see in any community confronting its own extremists.
This hatred is a symptom of the false framing of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an unending war against Jewish people. Instead of seeing the troubles in Israel/Palestine as a conflict over land to which two peoples lay claim, as a struggle against 40+ years of occupation, and as a question of people’s right to self-determination, the young Jews in this video believe and are being taught that Jews should either have absolute power or else they become absolute victims. Videos like this show how working for a just peace in the Middle East requires us to address bigotry and hate within our own communities. People who’ve seen the video agree that it’s important. The video went viral after being released on June 5th. Hundreds of thousands of people have watched it, it’s been covered by Ha’aretz, National Public Radio, and the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and it’s struck a strong resonance among viewers. Too many of us hear hatred like this among our families, friends and extended communities, where people believe that supporting Israel means hating Arabs and Muslims and – now – hating President Obama, too.
So please:
tell YouTube to put this video back up. If you want to see the video (caution: it’s highly offensive), Max Blumenthal has reposted it to Vimeo, andAnd use this as a teaching tool in your own communities to confront hatred and bigotry.
June 20, 2009 Posted by Elias
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