Sunday 20 December 2009

Nazzal: The prisoner swap deal at an impasse due to Israel’s intransigence


[ 19/12/2009 - 09:58 AM ]

GAZA, (PIC)-- Mohamed Nazzal, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, stated that the prisoner swap talks are in stalemate as a result of Israel’s intransigence and its refusal to release a large number of Palestinian prisoners determined by the Movement.

In a press statement to Palestine newspaper published Saturday, Nazzal said that his Movement is keen on reaching an honorable swap deal that leads to the release of the largest number of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

He pointed out that Israel’s security apparatuses used the media to prompt the public opinion to pressure Hamas through claiming that the deal was ready and scheduled to take place soon.

With regard to Mahmoud Abbas’s recent speech before the central council of the Palestine liberation council (PLO), the Hamas official said that his Movement has long been accustomed to hearing Abbas’s lies and fabrications to justify his unprecedented policies in the Palestinian arena.

“How can Abbas talk about democracy while he agreed to renew his term of office earlier by the council of Arab foreign ministers, which set a precedent that never happened before, and now he is aspiring to renew his legitimacy by an invalid and illegal council?” the official questioned.

Nazzal noted that Abbas’s insistence in his speech on holding elections and his confidence in his movement's victory reflect his intention to rig the elections.

The official opined that Abbas’s intention not to run for presidential election is not serious but a tactical move, affirming that Abbas always practices opposite what he speaks.

Regarding the national reconciliation, he said that the reconciliation issue reached a deadlock because of Egypt’s strange insistence on making Hamas sign its paper and its refusal to consider its remarks, stressing that his Movement would not sign a reconciliation agreement by force.

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