Saturday 30 October 2010

The STL tide has changed: "Enough is enough" "Do you think we’re that stupid?”

By Uprooted Palestinian

"Let’s blame (Imad) Mughniyah for killing Hariri. He’s dead so the investigative trail ends. Just say, ‘We had no idea what he was doing’. No more tribunal. Everyone is happy. And as a sweetener we’ll take Hezbollah off our Terrorism list.” US undersecretary of State for Near East Affairs Jeffrey Feltman to Hezbollah via the Saudi-Syrian, back channel on 10/22/10

“Do you think we’re that stupid?” Hezbollah (smelling a set-up) to Obama via the same channel 10/23/10

Angry Arab ended his report on the encounter in the clinic in the southern suburbs of Beirut saying: "Shame on the Lebanese government and the Lebanese Order of Physicians for providing cover for such a travesty to take place."

Hizbullah Coordination and Liaison Unit Denies Future Movement lie that it was Informed of STL Investigators Visit to Southern Suburb. I believe, such Formal Inforemation was not done because the STL wanted to test Hezbullah reaction, therefore Hezbullah women were waiting. 
Hasbara At Work

On the other side, Zarathustra (they call him Zara, I used to call him Khara, an editor at a "Palestinian site" speaclised in spreading Zionist Hasbara, crisized Nasrallah's over reaction.

"I fully don't understand the reaction of the Party to the tribunal." he preyed from a dark room in Yankivile. "Nasrallah's over reaction points to implict quilt." he added "he calls on "All Lebanese" but everyone who knows anything about Lebanon is that "All Lebanese" are divided up in this matter on sectarian lines. He can preach all he wants to the Sunnis and Christians but that will not change their attitude or view of either the tribunal or the Resistance. "

On the same wave, STL, March 14 Condemned the call for Boycotting Tribunal “Is Nasrallah threatening the Lebanese citizens?” the war criminal Lebanese Forces (LF) leader Geagea asked, adding that Nasrallah’s statements are strange and incomprehensible. “It is not acceptable for any party to make a decision on behalf of all Lebanese. Cooperating with the [STL’s] investigators is an issue that only the Lebanese government decides,” Geagea also said.
The ASSHOLE, said that Nasrallah can't speak on behalf of all Lebanese, "for him (Nasrallah) to try to convince the non Shia Lebanese that he is speaking on behalf of All Lebanon is both inaccurate and insincere." Zara claimed. 

Today Jumblat considered the encounter in the clinic in the southern suburbs of Beirut an attempt to foil any Saudi /Syrian understanding on Lenanon.Moreover, Nasrallah never said or claimed that all Lebanese are united on Resistance.

There, zionist message is Lebanese devided on sectarian lines, there fore Nasrallah can't speak on behalf of all Lebanese. They ignored the fact that Nasrallah's "preaching" changed the opinion and the attitude of at least half the Christians (loyal to Michel Aoun, one third of Sunnis, and almost united all the Droze, on both the tribunal and the Resistance. Let us ont forget that the Free Patriotic Movement was the core of "March 14 Movement", and Jumblat was its leader.

YES, as Zara admitted "the Tribunal is politicized and is acting as a tool of the US/Israel/KSA" But the STL tide has changed and is changing every day. Thanks to Nasrallah's "Preaching".

In harmony with Jeffrey Feltman, Hilary Clinton and March 14 Ramanents Khara claimed that Nasrallah is adding fuel to the fire, he "should stop acting like he is guilty , stop being defensive. Because all he is doing now is adding fuel to the fire"

Who is adding fuel to the fire?

I shall start, with a voice representing at least Half lebanon's Christians, Change and Reform parliamentary bloc member MP Nabil Nkoula.

He said "Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has every right to ask the Lebanese not to deal with the international investigators and tribunal. He stressed that the action taken by the international tribunal is a violation of the Lebanese and international even humanitarian laws." He added that the behavior of the international investigators in the women clinic in Southern Suburbs was unacceptable. "All over the world and including Lebanon there are special laws pertaining to the patients and this law is called secret medical records and they are considered sacred just like a confession in a church. The doctor has no right to reveal any information on any patient even in court without prior approval from the patient," added Nkoula. "This kind of behavior will push a person not to cooperate with such types of tribunal that are not aimed at reaching the truth but rather silence the Lebanese."

Responding to the statement of head of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea who he considered Sayyed Nasrallah's speech as a threat to the government, Nicolas responded: "If Geagea accepts any one to read his medical file then I will approve his statement."

"Not before the dust settled down after Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon where he was received as a national hero, Jeffrey David Feltman, landed in Beirut to to deliver a message from Obama."

 "The message in fact concerned the finding of the UN Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) on the assassination of the former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri (father of the current prime minister Sa’ad Hariri). Both US and Israel worries that STL may find the truth about Israeli Mossad being behind the assassination."

According to the well informed Dr. Franklin Lamb, Board Member of The Sabra Shatila Foundation and the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign, reporting from Shatila in the southern suburbs of Beirut.
  • " People are edgy in Dahiyeh and elsewhere in Lebanon about foreigners seeming to snoop around." thus reported Franklin Lamb from lebanon. 
  •  Jeffrey Feltman told his friend, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt. His mission was to denounce Ahmadinejad’s visit as “provocative, creating instability, and not helpful to the “peace process.”
  • On the same wave Hilary Clinton declared "We reject any efforts to destabilize or inflame tensions within Lebanon. We are very committed to supporting the Lebanese Government as it deals with a number of challenges in its region"
  • "Various diplomatic sources, as well as some political party officials and security contacts think they know what caused yesterday’s incident. Jeffrey the prime suspect among some."
  • Frightened with Ahmadinejad's visit to Lebanon, Feltman, rushed to KSA, "to solve the growing STL problem which he admitted Washington and Tel Aviv had underestimated. The Saudi’s told Feltman they would discuss the matter with the Syrians who would contact Hezbollah"
According to Franklin Lamb desperate Feltman, instead of going to Damuscus, arrived suddenly to Beirut
  • "......... His meeting with Lebanon’s President Suleiman and Prime Minister Saad Hariri were perfunctory. Parliamentary Speaker Berri, ally of Hezbollah even declined to meet with Feltman"
  • "........what apparently really caused Feltman to urge to STL to squeeze Hezbollah by sending its investigators to Dahiyeh to signal that the Tribunal was impossible to stop, was the rejection by all factions but the Lebanese Forces, of the Feltman Plan. Its reported essence, now apparently scrapped,"
  • "......Given that Washington realized that there is no way that the Tribunal is going to work out, it is best to find a way to trash it. Feltman has a “Dead men don’t talk” plan. Imad, Mughniyah who many thought was dead these past 26 years was really killed this time on February 12, 2008 in Damascus. Beirut sources reveal that Israel, who killed Mughniyah, aimed for February 14, not the 12th in order to deliver the message that it can carry out an assassination at will and on any date. Israel wanted to kill Mughniyah on the same day they killed Hariri, i.e. February 14. But they missed their target date by less than 48 hours due to “mission correction contingencies"
  • ..........Earlier this month, Feltman sent a message to Hezbollah.......if Hezbollah will go along with blaming Mughniyah for killing Hariri that works for the Americans because it will be circumstantial evidence that he also did acts of terrorism in the 1980’s so all files could be closed once and for all. He told more than one person he met with in Beirut this month that he thought his was “a really great plan.
Lamb concluded:
  • Apparently Secretary Clinton and President Obama did too.
  • Hezbollah did not." 
According the editorial in Al Akhbar "Feltman is anxious to have the 'Hezbollah indictment' issued sooner than 'scheduled' because he senses that Abdallah of Saudi Arabia and Saad Hariri are buckling under pressure, and could end up making a deal with the Iranians and Syrians. Feltman has been adamant in his refusal to link the impasses in Iraq and in Lebanon ..."

No surprise, because the tide is changing, causing serious problems to the STL, Feltman, is so desperate to squeeze Hezbullah to reach a deal with Nasrallah, and Zioinist Hasbara outlets are doing their paid job.

They got Nasrallah's reply yesterday.

The same Hasbara Site, imediatlly after Imad Mughniyah assasination, dropped it's Bombshell: Syria did it.

Khara's Comment

His over reaction could also points to an implicit guilt !!

[One thing Nasrallah is not is naive , but I fully don't understand the reaction of the Party to the tribunal. He calls on "All Lebanese" but everyone who knows anything about Lebanon is that "All Lebanese" are divided up in this matter on sectarian lines. He can preach all he wants to the Sunnis and Christians but that will not change their attitude or view of either the tribunal or the Resistance.

His over reaction could also points to an implicit guilt !! If the party did not do it (and there is not enough evidence to indict anyone and the witnesses have been proven to be lying) they should not be so reactionary towards the tribunal. The Tribunal is politicized and is acting as a tool of the US/Israel/KSA to be used against the resistance, most rational people believe so. But most people in Lebanon are not thinking rationally and think along sectarian lines, and he FAILED to gain the support of Lebanon the moment he took over Beirut 2 years ago , and for him to try to convince the non Shia Lebanese that he is speaking on behalf of All Lebanon is both inaccurate and insincere. He should stop acting like he is guilty , stop being defensive. Because all he is doing now is adding fuel to the fire]


The encounter in the clinic in the southern suburbs of Beirut

Talal, a comrade and friend who heads a division at a major medical center at well-known US university, sent me this regarding the "visit" by a Hariri tribunal team to the clinic of a Lebanese physician: "Is it not interesting that the International Tribunal sanctions practices in Lebanon that would be banned in the native countries of its investigators and jurists?
For example, they went into a clinic in the Southern district of Beirut asking to check on the names and files of a large number of women who attend the clinic. That would not fly in the USA. One cannot just come in, even with legal sanction, and check wholesale on the FILES (containing sensitive personal information) of ALL those that come through (they claimed to start with 17 names but it was made obvious that it was to be an open ended investigation with a free hand to investigate any file in the clinic).
Such an act would constitute a serious violation of Medical Privacy laws, unnecessarily exposing not only their names of a large number of individuals but also the details of their medical conditions as well as other private information.
This is ILLEGAL under any of a number of medical privacy laws. One is usually presented with a court order to obtain information on a SPECIFIC person, and no other subjects so as to safe guard people's privacy.
I am amazed the Physician in question even let them in.
She should have been the first to kick them out of the clinic, court order notwithstanding.
Shame on the Lebanese government and the Lebanese Order of Physicians for providing cover for such a travesty to take place."
Posted by As'ad at 10:59 PM

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As Pope Benedicts visit comes to some fruit in Lebanon, rotten fruit that, an attempt to settle Palestinians in Lebanon, meaning a loss of right of return? I think the Pontiff needs to clarify his position, and for that matter Hassan Nassrallah felt justified in speaking as a man in good standing with the nation, it's borders the lines drawn in his minds eye of who he is, yes he can speak for the people, he just did.

A good spiritual leader does at times speak for a vast region or belief structure, Lebanon believes in Lebanon deciding it's affairs, if Nassrallah felt guilty he would have kept his mouth shut, he is a prophet, he felt violated.

Lebanon is violated by feltman and his antics. The logic of the us state department in retaining this drone for David Aaron Miller and the CFR's Brszynsky and friends think tank. Hillary a frequent flyer there, actually officiating at a recent gala for Kissinger, they are all devoted primarily to giving out awards to shield their heros.

Heros arent what they used to be, but nasrallah definatly qualifies as one for the histiry boks as regards Lebanon, he knows that justice finds it's own level , like water,. A tribnal to indict Israeli and US commanders for war crimes is however in order, right? Lets get this straight, Kharas is right about one thing, Nasrallah could have eliminated some stress for himself and Hezbollah but he took the high road and didn't fear incrimination of self, he considered Lebanon, that is love from a prophet of Lebanon who has the right stuff to lead, getting feltmans interference eliminated will clear things up nicly. Allah be praised, alhamdulilla