The jury deliberated for about eight minutes. The holy book, which had been soaking for an hour in kerosene, was put in a metal tray in the center of the church, and Sapp started the fire with a barbecue lighter.
Jones had drawn trenchant condemnation from many people, including US President Barack Obama, over his plan to burn the Muslim holy book in September. He did not carry out his plan then and vowed he never would, saying he had made his point.
The event was open to the public, but fewer than 30 people attended.
While the international community remained silent toward the unprecedented crime, Hezbollah condemned in a statement the move and said it was a call for sedition and religious conflicts.
"The crime of burning the holy Qur’an by Pastor Terry Jones in the United States comes as part of a campaign which is taking various forms, expressions, people and times to reflect a sort of enmity towards religion," Hezbollah statement said.
The Resistance party vehemently condemned the heinous crime and said it believes it’s a call for sedition and religious conflicts, and an attempt to hide the real conflicts taking place between the arrogant and vulnerable people.
Hezbollah held the American administration responsible of the crime, noting that it serves its hegemony projects in increasing divisions, "at the time Muslims and Christians are called for cooperation and integration."
Hezbollah concluded its statement by urging all religious institutions to be aware of such heinous acts which serve the sedition schemes in the world. It called on churches to take the appropriate stance to prevent the achievement of the malignant objectives of the great conspiracy.
River to Sea
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