Almost 100 girls aged 12 to 17 were among the victims. . The Israel man is believed to have hacked their computers, seeking embarrassing photographs and later approaching them on online social networks and threatening them.
The man allegedly told the girls that should they fail to comply with his requests, he would circulate the photos among their acquaintances and relatives, and at their schools.
The girls, who were alarmed by the threats, complied with the suspect's demands.
Sources in Israel already confirmed that the sex offender suspect is not the former Israeli president Mr. Moshe Katsav.
It is not clear yet whether the American administration may seek an extradition in order to indict to sex offender in America. However, it will be interesting to find out how the Israeli Lobby will react to such a possible request. At the end of the day, the Lobby also use vile intimidation tactics to achieve their goals.
I am left wondering whether Israel can possibly produce any good news.
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