Dr. Mazin promoting popular unarmed resistance |
Abu Mazin, followed the adivise of DR. Mazin "Abbas would "now implement quickly the reconciliation agreement...would act quickly and decisively to really promote popular unarmed resistance throughout Palestine."
Read it again: Mazin said "throughout Palestine", of course he don't mean 1948 occupied land, he ment thoughout mini-palestine
Abu Mazin's PASF, known as Dayton Army, heated by the "brilliant speech at the United Nations, getting rounds of applause from most of the representatives", The PASF detained, sammoned hundreds of Hamas suporters in WB.
As Besiged Gaza, "besieged by terrorist", Very soon, as per Dr. Mazin's reccomendation will launch "Indepth talks" with Hamas, to ensure that Haneya "would act quickly and decisively to really promote popular unarmed resistance throughout" Gaza" because "acts of armed resistance against Israel would be classified as aggression from one state against another and could draw heavy response from Israel and possibly result in a renewal of occupation.", in other words possibly result in a new cast lead operation.
As Abu Mazin after firing Dahlan, and as Dayton has no balls in Gaza, Nato, led by General Sami Jamil Jadallah, is ready to do the job for Abbas.
Kudos Dr. Mazin, and his spiritual leader Abu Mazin.
Meanwhile Paris-based Palestinian composes anthem for homeland
PARIS (Reuters) 20 Sept -- A Palestinian living in France has come up with what has become an unwitting anthem for his homeland's bid for nationhood at the United Nations meeting later this week. Ahmed Dari, who until recently worked for the United Nations' Educational, Social and Cultural Organisation, is the author of "Mestani Dawla be Aylol" -- "I Am Waiting for a State in September" -- a hit song that is played from Ramallah to Rafah.
As an uprooted Palestinian, I ask, Mazin and Abu Mazin, stop using the term "Palestine Statehood" Let them call it: "Mokataah Statehood"
Abbas to soon launch ‘in-depth’ talks with Hamas
[ 24/09/2011 - 05:54 PM ]
Abu Mazin premoting promote popular unarmed resistance, to soon resume ‘in-depth’ talks and Netanyaho |
AMMAN, (PIC)-- De facto Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said he would launch “in-depth talks” with Palestinian resistance group Hamas on issues pertaining to the government and “Palestinian horizons”.This came in remarks by Abbas during his return trip from the UN General Assembly after applying for full membership in the United Nations for the Palestinians.
“We will hold in-depth talks with Hamas in the coming period not only to address reconciliation but the in-depth talks will be around the general horizons of the Palestinians’ action,” he said.
Meanwhile, Hamas’s refugees’ affairs department has criticized Abbas’s move at the UN, saying it bolstered the Palestinians’ recognition of Israel as never before.
The statement also predicts that Abbas would ask the Palestinians to refrain from all armed resistance against Israel, because if recognized as a state by the Palestinians, acts of armed resistance against Israel would be classified as aggression from one state against another and could draw heavy response from Israel and possibly result in a renewal of occupation.
The statement says that by conferring legitimacy to Israel and officially recognizing it as a state with pre-1967 borders the right of the Palestinian refugees ejected from beyond those borders to return is put at risk.
The statement also criticizes Abbas’s historic speech at the General Assembly for not attaining guarantees from any country protecting the fundamental rights of the Palestinians.
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
1 comment:
Political struggle, non-violent struggle as they refer to it in this situation has to occur side by side the 'violent' armed struggle. The two are separate but equal revolutionary struggles that will inevitably liberate the people of Palestine through a revolutionary movement.
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