Drug use, we are told in the report, has become rampant and parts of the country are in essence turning into a cesspool. According to a study cited, each Afghan family has at least one drug user, while "opiates are now found in breast milk, and all kids, even newborns, have morphine in their blood." Among the more disturbing images the video presents us with are of a young Afghan girl, probably no more than 11 or 12 years old, smoking opium.
Interestingly, we are also informed that the drug trade is one of the Taliban's "main sources of income," but if history is any indication, my guess is that the CIA is benefiting as well, perhaps at least as much, if not more so, than the Taliban. Which may explain why, as the piece relates, stopping drug production is not among NATO's goals. "Many experts find this a bit strange," comments the somewhat mystified RT journalist, "given the fact that a large part of revenues from drug money is used to sponsor the Taliban." I guess the Russian reporter probably never heard of Gary Webb or the Dark Alliance or the CIA's history of drug trafficking. Or maybe he's only pretending to be mystified. My only question is where is all the money the puppet president Karzai is being paid off with by his US and Israeli masters...and why doesn't he at least hire somebody to pick up the garbage?
River to Sea
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