The plan to break-up of Libya and Syria was conceived on May 6, 2002 by the Crypto-Jew John Bolton who was serving as under-secretary of state in the Dubya Bush administration. The plan is being implemented by America’s first Jewish President, Barack Obama.
Syrian foreign minister Walid Moualen during his speech at the UN General Assembly on Monday blamed ”foreign intervention” for country’s months of violence and for causing delays in Bashar Assad’s plans for democratic reforms. It’s no secret that Israel, the US, France, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are supporting the militants to by-pass the peaceful protesters who did not call for a regime-change in Damascus but for reforms.
Western powers have realized that a pro-West regime change in Damascus through mass protests is not as easy as was in Tunisia and Egypt. The base of dictators in Egypt and Tunisia was pro-West Army while in Syria, the army is pro-Assad and is controlled by the Ba’athist party which is both
In Syria, the anti-government protests were not for a regime change as was the case in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen. The protest leaders were demanding multi-party democracy, end of 30-year emergency and freedom of speech – until it was over-run by US-Israel-Saudia sponsored Syrian National Council (SNC) based on Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) model. The SNC has bases in Turkey and is armed by US-Israel-Saudia via Lebanon’s former prime minister Sa’ad Hariri’s clan.
Ankara and Riyadh are trying to stir sectarian divide in Syria as Cairo and Riyah did in Lebanon to discredit Hizbullah. These Western-client regimes are trying to destablize Syria by pitting Sunni majority against Alawite minority and hoping to invite NATO to bring regime change in Damascus. In reality, Syria has been ruled by Ba’athist party for over four decades. The Ba’athists are not Alawite (Shia) like Hizbullah, but a collection of nationalist-secularist business elites, politicians and military officers drawn from all religious and ethnic groups of Syrian society.
Israel Lobby controlled think tanks, i.e. Center for Security Policy, Brooking Institute’s Saban Center for Middle East Policy, International Crisis Group, American Enterprise Institute, George Soro’s Open Society Foundations, etc. are leading anti-Bashar campaign.
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