At least 15 people, including Syrian Security Forces, have been injured after a roadside bomb hit a military bus near the southern city of Dara'a, SANA reported.
According to the official Syrian news agency four civilians and 11 security officers were injured in the explosion of a bomb, detonated remotely, in the al-Na'aeema village near Dara'a on Wednesday.
Syrian authorities have blamed armed groups for the attack. Dara'a Police Chief, Brigadier General Mohammad Deib Asaad told SANA that armed terrorist groups are trained for such operations and that the explosive device was handmade.
Armed groups have also attacked a military hospital in the crisis-hit central city of Homs. According to SANA, terrorists attacked the hospital with RPGs and heavy machine weapons. Read more.
Meanwhile, the U.S. State Department has applied sanctions against Dr. Bouthania Shaaban, a political and media adviser to the Syrian government and one of the most eloquent champions for peace and social justice in the Arab world whose articles have appeared at Counterpunch (see here, here, here, and here ). Do yourself a favor. Go and read some of her writings. Then consider the fact that she is now considered an enemy of the United States. It will give you a better understanding of the situation in Syria, why the country is being targeted, and by whom. Here is what Dr. Franklin Lamb reported yesterday on the issue:
On August 28, 2011, the US Treasury and State Departments targeted Dr. Bouthainia Shaaban, and froze any assets she might have in the US.According to State Department spokesman, Victoria Nuland, who two US Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffers speculate may view Dr. Shaaban as a rival of sorts given their job descriptions, and Dr. Shaaban’s stellar performances during meetings with US officials both in the US and Syria, the explanation for blacklisting a Syrian nationalist and media advisor remains: “She (Dr. Shaaban) has served as the public mouthpiece for the repression of the regime.” Read more
This latest attack on Syrian security forces comes after a June attack which left 120 Syrian policemen dead. In a post a week ago, I wrote:
Who is fomenting the strife in Syria? You simply need to ask who benefits. And it seems to be the U.S. and Israel. Back in June, approximately 120 Syrian police were killed in attacks coordinated by armed groups operating inside the country. Eighty-two of the victims died in an initial armed assault on the city center in the town of Jisr al-Shughour, while some 28 more were apparently targeted while enroute to provide assistance. This was obviously a well-planned, well-executed operation carried out by highly-trained military personnel of some kind. The question is, who funded them and sent them in there?
Can you imagine if 120 police were killed like this in the United States? Imagine the media response, the outrage that would be voiced. Imagine the calls for a government crackdown, for the perpetrators to be hunted down. Imagine the police—and possibly even the military—response that would ensue.
According to Western diplomats and political observers watching the developments in Syria, the next stage of the international community’s response to events in Damascus will move from supporting the people’s uprising and condemning the oppression of the regime by waving the stick of economic and financial sanctions – including the travel ban on political officials who have been blacklisted – to arming the Syrian opposition, similar to what was done in Libya.
There, rebels were able to take control of the country, including areas that were subject to Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s rule, and assume power gradually through the National Transitional Council which is now recognized by the international community, as was demonstrated by last week’s conference in Paris.
The U.S., France and Britain will participate in strengthening the military side of the opposition in Syria to create a balance with the security apparatus controlled by President Bashar Assad and his regime. It’s likely that Turkey will spearhead the operation to arm the opposition given the overlap of political, geographic and demographic factors between it and Damascus, which have led Ankara, more than once, to show its discontent with the Syrian regime’s elusive promises of reform. Read more
The Western media’s alliance with Al-Jazeera reared its ugly head from the onset of the ‘Syrian Revolution.’ As the last section completely exposed, the ‘peaceful demonstrators’ were actually armed rebels, with their weapons coming from Zionist ally Jordan and their orders coming from Tel Aviv, Washington D.C. and Riyadh. After months of lies and propaganda, the United States government has finally admitted that there are indeed armed rebels carrying out violence in Syria, stating ‘there are a lot of them (81).’ Mainstream media has deliberately ignored the provocations of and attacks on Syrian security forces that have occurred from the opening week of the revolt, in which the Saudi-Israeli-directed armed gangs fired on and killed policemen and torched courthouses, hospitals, communications centers and Bashar al-Assad’s party headquarters (82). Hundreds of soldiers have been killed by this Zionist-designed insurrection and at least three mass graves filled with Syrian security forces have been found already (83).River to Sea
Instead of reporting these facts, Al-Jazeera has fabricated multiple eyewitness reports, bloated the death toll, broadcasted incitement against Bashar al-Assad, put forth the foreign policy objectives of the GCC dictatorships to bring down the Syrian government and ignored the vital fact that the Zionist-run National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is active on the ground in Syria (84). Instead of reporting these facts, the mainstream media and Al-Jazeera peddle the (admittedly) unverifiable, false casualty claims of London-based Syrian opposition groups, which boast about their membership with Zionism’s NED (85). Instead of reporting these facts, Al-Jazeera is manipulating imagery to fit with its anti-Syria agenda and paying actors to make false statements against Bashar al-Assad (86).
Mainstream media has consistently reported on snipers shooting at ‘pro-democracy’ protesters and has published recorded ‘eyewitness’ testimony from a member of Syrian security forces who ‘admitted’ that the snipers are Syrian military. The problem with this ‘eyewitness,’ like every other ‘eyewitness’ presented by the Al-Jazeera-Zionist media axis, is that his name isn’t real, his voice has been modified, and the person who supposedly produced the recording isn’t using his real name either (87).
None of it is real and everything is muddled because it’s another Zionist media fabrication. What is not being reported in the mainstream, is that the Syrian government has fully disclosed that there are indeed snipers firing not only on ‘protesters,’ but security forces as well (88). Read more
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