It seems French President Nicolas Sarkozy, an Israeli assest, is on its way to rebuild old French colonial power and pro-Israel regime changes among Israel’s Arab neighbors. After occupying Libya, he is eyeing on Syria – a French colony after WW II out of which Paris carved Lebanon for Christians to maintain French influence in a Muslim-majority Middle East.
A Lebanese boy relaxes inside a cluster bomb container dropped by Israeli warplanes in Aita al-Shaab, Lebanon |
In 2006, France supported Israel’s 34-day war on Lebanon in which Israel tasted its first major military humiliation at the hands of Arabs. On June 23, 2006 – In his address at Israeli Knesset Sarkozy assured the Zionazi lawmakers that his efforts to repair the situation in the region would take place firmly within the parameters of what is acceptable to Washington and Tel Aviv.
Sarkozy also denounced Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program and reaffirmed France’s commitment to Israel’s security. On Iran he said: “Iran’s military nuclear program calls for an extremely firm reaction from the entire international community. Israel must know that it is not alone! France is determined to pursue with its partners a policy allying the most severe sanctions with openness, if Tehran decides to honor its international obligations. But I want to say forcefully: a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable for my country!”
Sarkozy told Israelis that “the old dream of Mediterranean unity is not dead, but rather alive enough to raise the world” and that “Israel, the Palestinian authority (under Zionist dual agent Mahmoud Abbas), Lebanon, and Syria will all find their place in it”. Sarkozy had invited Libyan President Qaddafi to attend the group’s meeting in Paris last year, which Qaddafi refused and as a result lost Libya to Israel-supported rebel forces.
On August 31, 2011 – Sarkozy threatend Islamic Republic that country’s alleged attempt to build long-range missiles and nuclear weapons could lead some countries to launch a pre-emptive attack. In response to Sarkozy’s rant – Iranian MP Karim Abedi said: “Sarkozy should not speak about Iran when he is drunk“.
“Its military nuclear and ballistic ambitions constitute a growing threat that may lead to a preventive attack against Iranian sites that would provoke a major crisis that France wants to avoid at all costs,” said Nicolas Sarkozy. I wonder if the Crypto-Jew Sarkozy has the gutts to ask Israel to dismantle its 240-400 nuclear bombs which not only pose a great threat to Iran and other Arab countries in the region. Last year, noted Israel’s military historian, Martin van Creveld, had threatened to Wipe Out Europe if Israel’s existence is threatened.
“We have hundreds of nuclear warheads and missiles that can reach different targets in the heart of the European continent, including beyond the borders of Rome, the Italian capital,” Creveld said, adding that most of the European capitals would become preferred targets for the Israeli air force.
The US-Israel-Saudia has created a new Libyan-style Revolutionary Council of the Syrian Coordination Committees whose leader Mohammad Rahhal said on Sunday that his group has decided to arm Syrian rebels and any foreign help to topple Bashar Assad’s regime will be welcomed.
Syrian protesters now carry banners calling for a no-fly zone over Syria, like that imposed in Libya. One banner read, “We want any intervention that stops the killing, whether Arab or foreign.
On Monday, Jakob Kellenberger, the head of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) met Bashar Assad. Later during a press confrence he praised Syrian government for its good treatment of the protesters imprisoned. The ICRC president’s remarks came despite efforts by Western countries to portray Damascus as a government using excessive force to end months of unrest in the country.
Contrary to Zionists’ propaganda accusing security forces of being behind the killings, the government blames outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups for the deadly violence, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad.
Turkey has voiced in favor of a possible NATO attacks on Syria to resolve the six-month old riots in Syria by installing a government which is subversive to US-Israel and distance itself from anti-Israel resistance groups and the Islamic Republic – as part of their goal of isolating Islamic Republic before an imminent military attack.
On August 28, Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi told the official IRNA news agency, “Syria is the front-runner in Middle Eastern resistance (to Israel) and NATO cannot intimidate this country with an attack … If, God forbid, such a thing happened, NATO would drown in a quagmire from which it would never be able to escape”.
Mohammad Ahmad Kazmi, a senior Indian journalist and editor of Media Star News & Features visited various cities in Syria last month. He said that the ongoing agitations against Bashar Assad regime are outcome of policies of the US, Israel and their allies in the region.
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