By Khalid Amayreh in Israeli-occupied Jerusalem
On Friday, 2 September, a pro-Israeli body at the United Nations released a brazenly unbalanced report concluding that Israel's four-year blockade of some 1.7 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip was "legal" and "within the barometers of international law."
The scandalous report, dubbed as the Palmer report, also concluded that the manifestly criminal Israeli assault on a Turkish ship carrying solidarity activists and humanitarian materials to besieged Gazans, which occurred 18 months ago and killed at least nine Turkish citizens and injured many others, was also legal.
The report was reportedly prepared by a group of fanatical Zionists who thought that Israel could do nothing wrong and that its victims, whether Turks or Arabs, were either terrorists or sub-humans whose lives had no sanctity whatsoever.
The obscene disregard of truth inherent in that infamous and biased document showed that professionalism and objectivity were the last things on the minds of that commission's members.
Indeed, the victims of the Gaza siege, which ironically is yet to be lifted, have every right under the sun to cry out to the seventh heaven, in anger and bitterness, wondering what right the Nazi-like entity, Israel, ever had to withhold medicine and food supplies, fuel and other basic necessities from the people of Gaza.
To justify its murderous and enduring blockade, which killed ( and continues to kill) thousands of innocent people, including children, and devastated the lives of hundreds of thousands others, Israel invoked the mantra of arms smuggling into Gaza .
However, the truth of the matter is that under the rubric of preventing the alleged smuggling of weapons into the coastal enclave, Israel repeatedly demonstrated that it was hell-bent on starving ordinary Gazans by denying them badly-needed medicine and by ruining their originally meager economy, causing real starvation with catastrophic proportions.
In fact, some Zionist officials boasted rather gleefully and sadistically about Israel's ability to make the people of Gaza go on a diet. Unfortunately, the sickening remarks were not prominently featured in the Jewish-controlled American and western press whose coverage of Israeli criminality fell markedly short of basic professional standards.
In the final analysis, when people, including Jews, think, behave and act like the Nazis, these people ought to be compared with the Nazis, let alone treated as the Nazis were treated.
Failing to hold these comparisons due to "special sensitivities" such as the fear of being branded "anti-Semitic" is both a betrayal of human conscience and professional standards.
Gaza is not a state, it is rather an impoverished and heavily-populated coastal enclave packed with refugees who had been forced to flee their native towns and villages at the hands of terrorist Jewish gangs coming from Eastern Europe .
Israel claimed ad nauseam it left Gaza for good. However, the truth of the matter is that the Nazi-apartheid regime retained its erstwhile tight control of Gaza's territorial water, border crossings as well as air space.
And when the Islamic liberation movement, known as Hamas, won meticulously internationally observed elections, Israel lost its composure and decided to impose draconian sanctions encompassing everything entering Gaza or coming out of the blockaded territory.
The criminal siege, which many courageous international observers compared with the Nazi siege of the Ghetto Warsaw during the Second World War, was always made to produce maximum suffering and pain thanks to a never-ending series of criminal aggressions that mainly targeted innocent civilians.
Israeli leaders, most of them are actually certified war criminals, were quoted on several occasions as saying that the targeting of innocent Palestinian civilians by the Israeli occupation army was meant to force the civilians to rise up against their elected government.
There is no doubt that the deliberate and planned targeting of innocent children by Israel is a criminal act. Even Israeli human rights organizations, such as B'tselem, admit that it is.
The fact, that the whoring press and TV networks in New York , London , or Montreal don't see it this way doesn't make the reality of Israeli criminality any less nefarious.
A genocide or an attempted genocide doesn't become less evil if and when perpetrated by Jews. This is what Israel's ignorant supporters in the West ought to realize, the sooner the better.
In light, one is prompted to treat the Palmer report with the contempt it deserves. In the final analysis, judging murder, including haphazard murder, as legal because Jews are involved is the ultimate expression of moral bankruptcy, dishonesty and maliciousness.
The same thing applies to the other conclusion about the murderous attack on Marmara, the Turkish aid ship sailing in international waters in May 2011. That ship was carrying peaceful activists who wanted to reach the shore of Gaza to deliver urgently-needed relief materials, including milk, to besieged Gazans.
Yet, instead of allowing the ship to proceed to its destination unhindered, the Gestapo-like Israeli marines ganged up on innocent and unarmed men and women, riddling them with bullets from all sides.
The Turks and other activists onboard Marmara never ever posed any real threat to the Jewish Rambos. How could they possibly do that, unless we adopt the proverbial criminal logic that it was the victims' heads and chests that hit the bullets, not the other way around, which puts the blames decidedly on the victims.!
Unfortunately, the government of Israel resorted to hasbara and lies and stone-walling to escape responsibility, claiming that its soldiers' lives were endangered, a claim that shouldn't be dignified by commenting on it.
Moreover, in an effort to come out clean of this murderous obscenity, Israel made numerous insinuations about the humanitarian organization that planned and chartered the aid voyage, calling it terrorist.
Well, the Jewish state and its numerous mouthpieces of mendacity would automatically call anyone giving the Palestinians a helping hand terrorist even if the that one were Jesus Christ or Moses, the son of Amram.
This is their way of demonizing and dehumanizing their victims, just as the Nazis did several decades ago.
It is really heartening that the Turkish government has decided to show Israel that Turkish blood is a red line and that Israel could no longer mobilize its Free Mason tools in Turkey to bully the Turkish leadership to grovel before Jewish feet. These days are over.
The reported decision to expel the Zionist ambassador from Ankara, along with the planned downgrading of security relations with the Jewish Reich in occupied Jerusalem, should only be the beginning of a new strategic approach on the part of Turkey toward Israel, an approach that must demonstrate to Jews and non-Jews alike that Muslims are human beings, too, and have dignity like everyone else.
River to Sea
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