Can Bonomo lives in Istanbul but was born in Izmir, the town famous for birth place of the most prominent Jewish Messiah, Rabbi Shabbetai Zevi. Many of Turkish politicians, businessmen and Kemalist military generals have been secret followers of Shabbetai Zevi – known as the ‘Crypto-Jews (Donmeh)’. Turkey is home to 130,000 Jews and world’s largest community of Donmeh. This was the major reason for Ankara’s long love affair with Tel Aviv.
“There is a historical “eight hundred pound gorilla” lurking in the background of almost every serious military and diplomatic incident involving Israel, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Greece, Armenia, the Kurds, the Assyrians, and some other players in the Middle East and southeastern Europe. It is a factor that is generally only whispered about at diplomatic receptions, news conferences, and think tank sessions due to the explosiveness and controversial nature of the subject. And it is the secretiveness attached to the subject that has been the reason for so much misunderstanding about the current breakdown in relations between Israel and Turkey, a growing warming of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and increasing enmity between Saudi Arabia and Iran…”
River to Sea
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