What kind of Arab League is the Arab League ? one wonders what has happened to all those people , what happened to Nabil Al ‘Arabi who came as an Egyptian minister of foreign affairs after the so called revolution before occupying the position of General Secretary . A person brought by the Revolution , look at him and see him and hear him , watch for anything revolutionary in him , watch for the Arab in him let alone the revolutionary , see if you can find the Arab in him as his name shows , see if he can at least stand up for his name or his surname , there is definitely nothing noble in him for sure and nothing Arab .
The Arab proverb says , If you feel no shame than do whatever pleases you . Arabs think all proverbs are true and this proverb applies well to Nabil al ‘Arabi and the Arab League . The truth is we are dumfounded and mesmerized , we feel ashamed , we want to tell the League and al ‘Arabi that we feel ashamed . we feel ashamed of what he’s doing and saying , we want to tell the Qatari Hamad bin Jassem and the prince of Qatar that we feel ashamed of their Zionism , ashamed at their place ,we want to tell them to stop conspiring against Syria and stop being Zionists , not for the sake of Syria ,but for our sake , because we feel this thing in us that refuses what we see and hear .
Why this Zionism , why are you Zionists , Mr al ‘Arabi and Mr Qatar , why are you Arab Zionists ? Aren’t Arab values good enough for you ? Courage and benevolence and and steadfastness and faith , Aren’t these good enough for you ? all this you have forsaken as you have forsaken the ordinances of you religion , for what ? against what? Ask people about Arab values , ask foreigners , ask George Galloway why has he made these values his ? Ask yourselves , ask you fathers and forefathers , ask the poets and the wise , ask them , ask the prophets and messengers , they lived there in the Arab desert and are still there , ask them and answer us , tell us what the Zionist is good at and what is he good for that made him so precious and important , we want to know, what is the Zionist good for or good at ? Killing others ? Invading countries ? Usurping territoties ? Genociding people ? Violating rights ? Incarcerating innocents? Offending Arabs and Palestinians? Isn’t it enough that you and your league have been for decades now the burial grounds for all Arab causes and the burial ground of the Palestinian Cause for sure and even that of the human cause because you are also a burial ground for that.
Remember Mr League and Mr Princes , Saudi and Qatari and whatever , We never expected anything from you , you slept over so many files for so long , you never did anything for anyone , not one finger you lifted for anyone, no unity , no solidarity , no nothing , and suddenly we see you wide awake and so busy ,what happened we ask ? what is keeping you so busy Mr al ‘Arabi ? and Mr Qatar? To what issue have you awoken? To the invasion of Libya by NATO ? Or to Israel’s safety and security ? Is this what has awoken you from your deep slumber , or is it the revolutions complacent with Camp David ?
What happened that you seem so eager on meeting and summoning and gathering as if a new life was blown into you , and we see you plotting against Syria and against Libya and against Palestine and arranging for NATO invasion and for Syria’s fall and for UN schemes and for no fly Zones , What are you and who are you ? Puppets , Muppets , Stooges ? What are you ? You are NOT Arabs for sure , What are you then ? A new breed or species , a combination of Zionism and mischief and self hate ? Whatever you are and whatever you pose as, there is definitely one thing for sure and that is you are despicable people at all levels and for all purposes and reasons , simply despicable people of no belonging and no religion and no homeland and no feeling and no dignity , real degenerates , that is what you are! SHAME!
What to do with these feelings , we don't know, throwing them at you would be best , they are yours , take them and adorn yourselves with your own shamefulness , we Arabs are free from degenerates like you , ours are the proud leaders of our Resistance , ours are the noble and dignified martyrs of our land , ours are the committed people to our cause , ours are the dedicated heroes fromwherever they came , may they enlighten our way to our glorious victory and your utter defeat!
River to Sea
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
Must see Asap! http://thenakedfacts.blogspot.com/2012/09/options-via-syrianpartisangirl.html?m=0
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