Press TV has conducted an interview with Sara Flounders, co-director of the International Action Center from New York, to ask for her insight on Yemen’s retaliatory attacks in response to the Saudi aggression.
The following is a rough transcription of the interview.
Press TV: We know that as the Saudi attacks continue on Yemen, the Yemenis are also retaliating. Just how effective are these Yemeni attacks? Can they push back the Saudis?
Flounders: The Yemeni attacks certainly show that air war alone cannot secure victory, and not only can’t secure victory, the resistance will grow to a foreign aggression and actually will increase unity within Yemen, a country very divided in many many ways, but in the face, a Saudi military action that will forge a unity of the people of resistance. And resistance always radicalizes a people, opens up revolutionary potential; that’s also important to see. I think the most important is to understand that this Saudi bombing is impossible without active US support and participation. Every bomb that falls, the targeting is by the US military. The technicians are US military. The US navy is really organizing the blockade of Yemen. So this is really a US-Saudi war. And it’s important as we’re speaking from the US to express this and to talk consciously about the role of US technicians, US contractors, US military and US weapons.
Press TV: And of course, what is the reason behind the inaction and silence by the UN and the global community?
Flounders: Well, the real silence is based on a the US’ dominant position, utilizing again and again the United Nations, which was to be a global body for its own interest and forcing through agreements that are not about peace, but are about attempting to pressure the people of Yemen into accepting a total dictator.
They have refused and the Ansarullah movement has actually its demands [that] are for democratic elections, decision-making by the people, and this has gained growing response and support. In addition, they have been able to even reach into Saudi Arabia in military attacks. So that shows that rather than being destroyed this is a widening insurgency.
River to Sea
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