Tuesday 11 April 2017


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While campaigning for the presidency, Tweedle-Dum, a/k/a Donald Trump, railed against the millions of illegal, undocumented aliens in the United States, describing them as “rapists”, “killers” and other things consistent with his perception of greasy, wet-backed weasels crawling like vermin over and under his beloved United States’ border; to steal its resources, to tax its wealth, to have early retirement at the expense of the American taxpayer, to exploit America’s schools and hospitals; to pollute America’s morals and interbreed with his country’s comely white women. Oh, God! Their presence was an insult. They were trespassers. They violated recognized laws established in his country requiring the acquisition of legal status before entering the United States. He vowed revenge by proposing a vast wall no different from the Great Wall of China which was erected to stanch the flow of barbarians into the Chinese heartland. He assailed Mexico and promised that the Southern neighbor would pay itself for the construction of the wall. Grandiose?……….. Indeed.
All throughout his campaign he vowed to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) because it was bad for the American people. He had a better plan although he never hinted at what it might be boasting that it would be something “wonderful” and really great. And, when, only 60 days into his term, he received the plan from his minions, he could not get his own party sufficiently behind him to replace the Obama plan. He was miffed. Vexed. Perplexed. He sought to assuage his hurt feelings by lashing out at something, anything. And when his proposed immigration ban was roundly scorned by a series of federal judges, he huffed and puffed, modifying this and amending that, and, still, the judges rained failure down upon him.
But, with such high regard for the illegality of trespass, he authorized an attack on a sovereign nation 7,000 miles away. Did that sovereign nation invite him to attack its airbase? No. Did it even imply that he might encroach upon Syrian air space? No. He did it anyways. He violated international law because he saw a picture of a child suffering from exposure to some chemical weapon released into the atmosphere by canisters of possibly Sarin gas or chlorine gas. With characteristic American gullibility, he proclaimed his transformation from tolerator of Assad to enemy of Assad. Rex Tillerson, the clumsy-looking U.S. Secretary of State whose only diplomatic credentials were that he ran a large multi-national petroleum corporation called Exxon/Mobil, repeated the same folderol. Instead of sticking to his president’s promise of no more foreign entanglements, Tillerson started to regurgitate the self-same Euro-trash we started to hear from Hollande and Cameron from the beginning of the Syrian uprising. “Assad has no future in Syria”. “Assad must go”. “Assad cannot remain in office”. “Assad cannot be allowed to run again for the presidency”. Ad nauseam. Yawn.
Trump’s transformation into Assad-hater was sudden and unexpected. A man not known for his ability to empathize, but, instead for his bullying tendencies, started to speak of God, even though he has never read the Bible and is unable to identify one single psalm. He changed his tone from rough-hewn Queenie to soft-spoken Weenie – borrowing the tone and timbre of genuine humanitarians like Billy Graham, Albert Schweizer and even, Tiny Tim. He pontificated about America defending the weak and standing for right: even if he hadn’t waited for an investigation into what happened that fateful day in Khaan Shaykhoon.
Nothing happened that fateful day. Nothing other than an ordinary aerial attack on a warehouse operated by Alqaeda.
The entire episode was staged by British con-men. It was produced by Saudi Arabian monkeys with help from Turkish set designers. Impossible? Let’s think back on “Syrian Danny” (Danny ‘Abdul-Daa`im) who became the poster-child for Syrian civilians suffering at the hands of the Abominable Assad. Remember him? Remember his staged scenes of horror as he nestled in the arms of kerchiefed Syrian women (really Albanians) who nursed his wounds after a barbaric pounding from the imaginary Syrian Army artillery in Homs. Remember the solemn voice of that corrupt sodomite, Anderson Cooper, as he reveled in the tales narrated by Danny in the privileged accent of a Cantabrigian-British-Syrian goon trained by MI6? In fact, just like the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the fraud-laden propaganda organ of terrorism, Danny was created by MI6 for the British Foreign Office. I even doubt he was ever been in Homs, his productions having been filmed “on location” at the Shepperton Studios outside London.
Boo hoo hoo. Danny was caught setting up his scenes of war in a studio.
Anybody remember Zaynab Al-Husni who was the subject of a hundred alarms from HRW and Amnesty International? She was detained by Syrian government thugs and raped repeatedly – or that’s what the propaganda groups like AI claimed. Anybody remember the gal from Homs? You see, she was skinned alive by pro-Assad barbarians and her limbs amputated. Jeez’o’Pete! Wow. What incredible cruelty! Well, she turned up alive and, well, claiming she ran away from home because her brothers were buggiing her. Nobody apologized to the Syrian government for that disaster. The propaganda organs of HRW and AI continued to manufacture lie after lie.
But, what about the White Helmets being caught staging a rescue of a man under rubble caused by the evil Syrian Army who earlier was talking with the would-be heroes about how the scene would be filmed? Once the film and pictures were revealed, the terrorist group had to apologize to a disbelieving public. Remember our coverage of that SNAFU? I sure do. The liars of the White Helmets apologized for the embarrassing revelation calling it “poor judgment”. Really?

Al-Qaeda's White Helmets didn't notice the camera rolling when they positioned this actorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b7byi5ZhbQ  

And there are the beheading scenes produced by ISIS in which high-tech equipment and techniques were used. In fact, ISIS had gotten so good at producing images, they were receiving glowing reviews from the same Western MSM which promoted them in the first place.
So, what am I getting at? What I’m getting at is that, as a lawyer, I am not bound to believe any version proposed by the prosecution. I have to see something other than a manufactured event – certainly an event that is well within the power of the prosecution to manufacture. What do we know about the victims other than what the various opposition groups say? Well, nothing. The victims are all in Idlib Province under the control of the Alqaeda terrorist group. If any are being treated, they are treated in a terrorist clinic or a Turk hospital or a Zionist slaughterhouse. Why should I give credence to a criminal enterprise which has been lying and fabricating events for the last 6 years?
Why should I not question the integrity of all the reporters from the West who, in a seemingly choreographed paroxysm of thespian rectitude, promoted a story which is strangely similar to others involving Chemical Weapons. Seymour Hersh already exposed this technique in his superbly documented article on use of CW in the Ghouta. He proved that it was not the Syrian Army which used the poison gas, but, instead, Alqaeda, under orders from Saudi Arabia and with the supply provided by Turkish gangsters. Isn’t it amazing how Trump is awakened in the night and told of the CW event and how, in one blink of an eye, he turns around and abandons everything he said during his campaign? Is it possible that CIA terrorists studied Trump’s personality deciding he was the excitable type who read almost nothing and studied precious few things? With Trump entering the White House with a history of bad-mouthing the CIA, is it possible the new director was persuaded to try this script on him to continue the CIA’s constant pursuit of Dr. Assad’s ouster?
I am fascinated by the absence of anything in this case. The U.S. is already laying the groundwork for rejection of a U.N. investigation by alleging that Russia might have had a role in it. The U.S. is promoting another lie: the Russians and Syrians have bombed the same town in the same place where the CW was used in order to cover up evidence. It is the most blatant of lies and, yet, there are those who will swallow it lock, stock and barrel. What did P.T. Barnum say? “There’s a sucker born every minute”. What did H.L. Mencken say? “Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”
The evidence existing today points to another staged atrocity. We have no access to any forensic evidence. We never will. Alqaeda will not allow a team of experts to enter the area. Better yet, only an expert with suicidal tendencies would place his life in jeopardy just to be beheaded in front of a camera clad in those very chic orange jump suits. And, of course, Turkey cannot arrange the investigation lest it reveal how totally in control Ankara is of all those cannibal terrorists it claims to be fighting. What a mess!
Trump actually knows what’s going on and is up to his neck in war crimes already. Not only has he given permission to exterminate over 70 Syrian civilians to engineer this malicious event, he has suborned it by giving lip service to his natural disgust with Assad and his army. We are lucky to have rational voices in Washington from Tulsi Gabbard, Richard Black and Rand Paul. We even have conservative supporters of Trump now expressing consternation with his backtracking on campaign promises to concentrate on internal affairs. But, failed tyrants always look to foreign affairs when they can’t get what they want domestically. It’s a diversion. A distraction. It’s a Wag the Dog scenario.
The speed with which Trump reacted to news of the staged bombing in Khaan Shaykhoon and the coordinated wave of vilification emanating from London, Paris and Berlin point to only one thing: another NATO-style false flag operation. Amazingly, I was seated in a bar yesterday talking to some regular Americans who asked me what I thought about the event. All of them expressed disbelief that Assad would do such a thing and blamed it on what one called a “compromised media”.
Don’t believe anything in the corporate media. Watch RT, Al-Mayaadeen and old episodes of the Honeymooners. Ziad

This is the day, April 8, 2017, when it became clear that the Syrian Army was on the verge of eliminating the terrorists of Alqaeda in Der’ah City. That’s why the U.S. has been sending out hints of a new campaign to separate Der’ah from the rest of Syria as part of the plan to dismember the country. In response to this and the attack on the Shu’ayraat AB, Russia has sent the cruise missile carrying warship, Admiral Grigorovitch, to the Syrian coastline. Iran has been reportedly readying units of its IRGC for deployment to Syria.
Al-Manshiyya Quarter: The SAA killed over 75 Nusra/Alqaeda rodents here on April 8, 2017. Most of these vermin were Saudis and Jordanians. It started with an attack on 5 SAA strong-points in the area of Al-Manshiyya. The usual suicide drivers and explosive belts were used to break into defense lines. None of that happened. None of the suicidal psychos even made it to within detonation range of the SAA’s perimeters. Instead, weaponized drones and cleverly positioned rangers blasted the crazed numbskulls before they could even get within sight of our army. Here are some of the identified carcasses:
Abu Al-Qa’qaa’ Al-Tawheedi (Jordanian fruit fly)
Abu Al-Haarith Al-Jazraawi (Saudi grub)
Muhammad Abaazeed (Leader of Kateebat Majd Al-IslaaKhaalid Mu’tazz Al-Mahaameedm or Brigade of Islam’s Glory, yawn)
Khaalid Mu’tazz Al-Mahaameed (Leader of Liwaa` Tawheed Al-Janoob or Unification of the South Battalion)
In the areas of Al-Bahhaar Quarter, Al-Arba’een Park and Dam Road, 2 command/control centers, 3 rocket launchers, mortar base and a 14.5mm cannon were destroyed.
Al-Lataamina: A Nusra/Alqaeda C&C was completely obliterated when the SAA’s artillery units opened fire on fortifications built up by the rats.
Ahmad Talaal
Muhammad Sameeh Al-‘Annaab
Abdul-Muhsin Al-Shoomaani
Sameer Al-Mahmoud
Firaas Ahmad
Scores were wounded.
It appears that the 36 Tomahawks which did not reach the airbase were both destroyed by SAA air defenses or toppled over the Mediterranean by Russian air defense. We will have more on this.
Watch for censorship in this article about Fox News professional lying about the so-called CW at Idlib:
PHOTO OF THE DAY: (From Hamza Sulayman):
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