Sunday 24 May 2009

Future movement's Last Arow to sway elections rather than reveal truth they know

Future movement's Last Arow

Blackmailing Nasrallah: Lay Arms or....

Two weeks I posted under the title: Hezbollah The MOST WANTED a report on the UN special envoy Terej Roed Larsen calling for implement UNSCR 1559 (Disarming Hezbullah). I wrote: "They are still after Hezbullah arms (Remember resolution 1559, then July 2006 war, and finally Hezbullah communication network crisis)."

"Moreover, don't be don't be fooled with the "credibility" of U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon after releasing the 4 Lebanese inocent Generals, Narallah called for to consider all possibilities, including the possibility of Israel being behind the assassination.

He said "Israel is capable of committing this crime. It has the motive, and it could have killed martyr Hariri, because it wanted a civil war in Lebanon in which Hezbollah and the Resistance would be a party in, so as to avenge its defeat in 2000 and its humiliating withdrawal from the South. Israel even wanted a regional war to pave the way for US armies to enter Lebanon and Syria and killing Hariri was their gateway"

I don't think the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon shall consider any path leading to CIA and/or Mossad, or Qaeda.

Remember Mubarak fabricated charges against Hezbollah which paved the way to Larsen's Assault. I shall not be surprised to see the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanom going after Hezbullah, and we may see many Hezbullah "LOVERS" saying: Hezbullah is capable of doing it, and may be there is another Sideque under making."

While Lebanon is breaking down the Mossad cells, foiling an assasination atempt against Nasralla. Here it comes 3 weeks before the Elections: New Evidence (Spiegel) Points to Hezbollah in Hariri Murder

Thank God the STL is keeping its findings 'secret'! You would not want them to be any other way, lest you want to affect the June 7 elections, and that of course, in not on anyone's mind! Spiegel, here

"..The United Nations special tribunal investigating the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri has reached surprising new conclusions -- and it is keeping them secret. According to information obtained by SPIEGEL, investigators now believe Hezbollah was behind the Hariri murder..."
Posted by G, Z, & or B at 10:38 AM

remember these? "Le Hezbollah" theory in Le Figaro & Le Monde?

L'ombre du Hezbollah sur l'assassinat de Hariri 22 Août 2006 Georges Malbrunot - Le Figaro «Le Figaro» révèle qu'un Libanais, proche du mouvement chiite, est recherché pour avoir participé à la préparation du crime contre l'ancien premier ministre. LES ENQUTEURS libanais, en charge de l'assassinat de Rafic Hariri, travaillent depuis quelques mois sur une nouvelle piste, qui conduit au Hezbollah. «L'enquête internationale dirigée par le juge Serge Brammertz s'oriente également dans cette direction», confirme, au Figaro, un proche de Saad Hariri, .... Tout commence par l'identification par les Forces de sécurité intérieure (FSI) d'un groupe de téléphones portables, qui n'a été utilisé qu'avant et juste après le crime. «Leurs propriétaires, une dizaine au maximum, ont cessé de s'en servir, après avoir reçu d'ultimes consignes pour échapper à la traque lancée après la mort de Hariri», affirme une source proche des FSI à Beyrouth. Mais l'un d'eux a commis une erreur, en appelant un de ses amis, (SPIEGEL peddles the same product) qui ne faisait pas partie du réseau de complices...... Selon le proche de Saad Hariri, il s'agit d'un Libanais, évoluant dans la mouvance du Hezbollah et de ses services de renseignement. Il est activement recherché, même si Interpol n'a pas encore été saisi d'une requête en ce sens. «Les enquêteurs libanais ont très peur de ce qu'ils ont découvert», explique la source proche de l'enquête. Les autres membres du réseau, eux, n'ont pas été identifiés. Le Hezbollah n'ignore rien de ce nouvel élément du dossier. Maladroitement, en effet, des FSI sont allés interroger les membres de la famille de l'individu recherché,....

and Le Monde, Feb. 08'?

"...des individus qui photographiaient les lieux ont été identifiés, selon une source sécuritaire à La Haye, comme appartenant au Hezbollah libanais, un mouvement chiite prosyrien. "Tirez-en les conclusions politiques que vous voudrez",tempère Robin Vincent, qui précise par ailleurs que "trois incidents" ont été répertoriés par les services néerlandais. L'identité des juges, placés sous haute protection aux Pays-Bas, reste confidentielle. A Beyrouth, le conseil des ministres a décidé, vendredi, de renforcer les dispositifs de sécurité autour des édifices judiciaires.
L'enquête, toujours en cours, a nécessité le concours d'experts internationaux de haut vol et le recours à des technologies de pointe pour analyser, par exemple, les multiples fragments du corps déchiqueté d'un kamikaze. Mais, à Beyrouth, un membre de la commission d'enquête relativise les bénéfices de ces prouesses techniques en déplorant les "blocages politiques au Liban et dans d'autres Etats qui limitent la marge de manoeuvre des enquêteurs".

Récemment encore, selon une source de renseignement libanaise, le procureur Bellemare s'est vu refuser l'interrogatoire de huit personnalités du Hezbollah.

L'enquête sur le mobile de l'assassinat de l'ex-premier ministre libanais semble avoir progressé. Il serait lié "aux activités politiques de Rafic Hariri", selon l'un des rapports qui estime "probable"que la résolution 1559 du Conseil de sécurité, adoptée en septembre 2004, a "joué un rôle important dans la genèse de L'assassinat". Cette résolution visait, sans les nommer, la Syrie et le Hezbollah. Elle réclamait le respect de la "souveraineté" du Liban et le désarmement des "milices".

Special Tribunal Spokeswoman, Hezbollah Dismiss Der Spiegel’s Allegations

Hanan Awarekeh Readers Number : 83

24/05/2009 Hezbollah media relations’ bureau issues a statement on Sunday in which it dismissed allegations published by the German magazine Der Spiegel and spread by Al-Arabiyya Channel saying that it is nothing less than “police fabrications”.

Der Spiegel claimed on Saturday that the UN special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005, had new evidence that Hezbollah special forces "planned and executed" the Beirut car bombing that killed the former premier and 22 others.

The statement said, “It’s not the first time that a magazine or newspaper aimed at publishing such fabrications and previously Kuwaiti paper “Al-Siyasa” has repeatedly published such reports along with other dailies.”

However, the statement continued “It is nothing more than police fabrications made by the same black room that has kept on fabricating such stories for over four years regarding the Syrians and the four Lebanese officers and others.”

The statement added that “publishing this report in Der Spiegel and promoting for it by Al-Arabiyya is a suspicious issue in its timing and its political and psychological exploitation especially for two sides:“

First it is a pure fabrication aimed at influencing the election campaign in Lebanon on one side, and to deflect attention from the news about the dismantling of spy networks working for Israel on the other."

The report comes just two weeks ahead of a June 7 parliamentary election in Lebanon.

Hezbollah added that the Spiegel allegations "harm the credibility" of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and called on The Hague-based court to act to unmask those behind the "lies" saying the Tribunal has to respond to the published report with much resolve.

The statement concluded that this report and its exploitation come “within the systematic campaigns, which some known parties (Israel, Moderate Arab Regimes, March 14 movement) launched against Hezbollah, and we are positive that these campaigns will fail, just as the past ones did.”


Meanwhile, AFP said that a spokeswoman for the tribunal prosecutor refused on Saturday to comment on the Der Spiegel report. "We don't know where they are getting the story from. The office of the prosecutor doesn't comment on any issues related to operational aspects of the investigation," she said.

Posted by G, Z, & or B at 11:42 PM

Haaretz: "Timing, vagueness of SPIEGEL's 'revelation' suggest it was released to sway elections rather than reveal truth."

Future Movement's Gobelz Fares Khashan ...
Haaretz, here

"......Now, even before the report is verified as accurate, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah will have to wage a concerted campaign of denial and damage control likely to zero in on Prime Minister Fuad Siniora and of course, Israel, which it views as seeking to divert attention from allegations that it is operating Lebanese spies by leaking the Hariri story. ....

The report should be treated cautiously for now, as the sources behind it remain unclear, and many of those who could testify to its veracity are dead or missing.

Suspicious timing

It is possible that the UN investigator examining the Hariri assassination received new information refuting earlier intelligence estimates that the murder was the work of the Syrian regime and Lebanese intelligence officials linked to it. The timing of the report, however, gives the impression that it was released more to alter election results than to bring the truth to light. ...

The UN investigator will now apparently be forced to either confirm or deny the Der Spiegel report to prevent the international body from being dragged into the Lebanese electoral maelstrom."
Posted by G, Z, & or B at 4:35 PM

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