Sunday 13 March 2011

“Muslim” murders “Jews” in Israeli Settlement!

Attending the World

Posted: March 12, 2011 by attendingtheworld

The posts attacking Muslims and depicting the thugs (Israeli Settlers as victims) have quickly sprung up on WordPress by the hateful  mob of NaZionists and their Muslim-hating supporters.
These Israeli settler thugs who are really subhuman, have committed atrocities against Palestinians daily and as the Israeli Terrorist Forces simply stood by! Even Israelis themselves hate settlers but will use them as a propaganda serving “piece” when it suits the NaZionist regime.
A key event in these was a Day of Rage declared by the Jewish settlers and its brutal oppression by the Israeli police (including severe sexual harassment of a 15 year-old girl by a Jewish police officer). The violence reached the Knesset, where the police was unable to defend its grave offenses: “uniformed criminals” was the general verdict on them.
The recent killing of a family is now Headlines: “The religion of peace: killing Jews in their sleep” or some ignorant self-serving propaganda.
Yet, when these thugs occupy Palestinian homes by force, commit murders and are authorized to terrorize and kill Palestinians, everyone is suddenly silent. They look away hoping for a “Muslim” Palestinian to commit a murder that they could use to bury and hide their own crimes.

Killing in the name of Judaism

But they can’t!

Here’s a sample and simple list of these thugs crimes against Palestinians that – till this day, hardly surface unless one is persistent in one’s search for the truth.Some of the sources are Israeli sources too, which makes this more amazing: that the western media would not even refer to such crimes, because, after all, they’re Jewish crimes.. and stating that fact would be anti-Semitic!
  1. Two Palestinians killed by Israeli Settlers
  2. Israeli Court Rules Shooting Palestinian OK
  3. Settlers Attacking Elderly Palestinians – on Video
  4. “We Killed Jesus and We’re Proud of it” – on Video
  5. 2 Palestinians Killed, 9 Wounded, 31 buildings damaged
  6. Settlers or Nazis? Video
  7. The Terror State of Israel a Democracy?
  8. Settler thugs attacking Palestinian Schoolgirls
  9. Facts about Jewish Settlements
  10. Settlers: The Jewish Terrorists

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