Saturday, 19 March 2011

US backing for world currency stuns markets


Not quite sure why the markets should be surprised about the USA's willingness to leave the US Dollar and change to a global currency run by the IMF.

It's not a coincidence that ALL 5 Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank in 2008 were Zionist Jews and that the bank bailouts were almost entirely handed to Zionist run banks in the USA, at the expense of the gullible taxpayer.

The US Dollar now is completely out of control due to quantitative easing and continuing trade & Treasury deficits, which were described as unsustainable over 5 years ago.

The rats are now wanting to leave the Titanic, launch another liner, so the whole sorry episode can have a sequel with the only difference being that the whole world will eventually get to pick up the tab instead of just Americans.

The USA might be willing to tolerate the blood sucking parasites but it's wrong to assume the rest of the world wants a part of the action. We already have a suitable world reserve currency in the form of the EURO, which under ECB rules cannot be devalued by excessive money creation.

The Americans have been shafted, we really don't need a part of that. 

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