Here I am, of course not against opposed to people rejecting tyranny and corruption in Syria and other Arab States, but invite them to declare this rejection and stongly, but I don't understand --and I hope that nobody misunderstand me — how those standing against this totalitarianism, be revolutionary, while Washington and Paris stand behind and put her hand in their hands?..... More
Islam Times Exclusive:
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the U.S. accused o f funding the “Muslim Brotherhood” |
Islam Times - The writer criticized Egypt’s Foreign Minister for submitting to the orders and directives of Qatar’s Foreign Minister regarding imposing sanctions on Syria and that after the Egyptian revolution placed him in his position in the Arab League. He added Al-Arabi’s actions along with the actions of the Secretary General of the Arab League go against the principals of the Egyptian revolution and as if the sacrifices given during the revolution have come to serve America and Israel through having prominent figures working to dismantle the Arab countries and resistance forces.
Rifaat Sayid Ahmad stressed that the United States, and through its ambassadors in Cairo, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar has spent and since the beginning of the Egyptian revolution from 5 to 7 billion dollars and that according to official reports.
Youssef Al-Qardawi helped in delivering these funds to support Wahhabi movements and Americanized groups in the elections. Sayid Ahmad also pointed out that these movements will not have the role of building and placing a new constitution in such a critical stage in Egypt’s history and they won’t even end the problem of garbage, but their role will specifically be to incite political, sectarian, and religious fires and to create vacuums and contrasts with the army to belittle its prestige so that Egypt would be pre-occupied with its internal issues.
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