Samah Sabawi - God Forsaken
By Guest Post • Apr 11th, 2009 at 22:32 • Category: Counter-terrorism, No thanks!, Israel, Music, Poetry, Events, Newswire, Palestine, Religion, Resistance, Somoud: Arab Voices of Resistance, War, ZionismWhat is a life worth?
A grain of earth
A drop of oil
A flag on a hill of holy soil
A cross…a star…a crescent moon…
Is it worth ending a life too soon?
What sacred verses can explain
Sniper fire…
And white phosphorus rain?
What Holy Scripture gave the command
“Thou shall wipe out their villages
And scorch their land”
And after the massacre
Did they lament?
Did they seek forgiveness?
Did they repent?
Did they try to sanctify their burdened souls
While besieging a people behind their walls
Or did they wear with pride their murderous skills:
A pregnant woman with a caption “1 SHOT 2 KILLS”
No rest for the less sacred, no safety, no light
No benediction no prayer no end in sight
No bread, no medicine no shelter no salvation
No angels can survive this holy Occupation
What is the life of a Palestinian worth,
In your God forsaken earth?
Samah Sabawi is a writer/playwright and poet who advocates for Human Rights and Social Justice. Ms. Sabawi was former Executive Director of the National Council on Canada-Arab relations (NCCAR) and is currently on the board of directors of NCCAR as well as the Canadian Palestinian Congress. She designs and facilitates educational workshops for Canadian diplomats, civil servants, military personnel as well as for high school students on the politics, culture and history of the Arab World. Ms. Sabawi is also involved in the theater. She has written and produced two plays: Cries from the Land and Three Wishes both dealing with the plight of the Palestinian people. Her opeds and poetry are published in both print and electronic media.
أرض الله المنسية
شعر: سماح سبعاوي
ترجمة: أديب قعوار
الحياة ما قيمتها؟
ذرة من ترابها؟
قطرة من نفطها؟
بيرق على تلة فوق قداسة ترابها؟
صليب… نجم… هلال قمرها؟…
هل تستحق انهاء حياة قبل أوانها؟
الآيات المقدسة ما تفسيراتها؟!
أنيران قناص من أعدائها؟
أم مطر فسفوري أبيض ينهمر على رؤوس بنيها؟
المجرم العبراني قال: عليكم مسح قراها
وجرف تراب أرضها
ولا تبقوا على من لا يزال به نفس من أهلها!!!
وبعد المجزرة… هل صحى مقترفوها؟
هل طلبوا المغفرة من ضحاياها؟
هل تابوا عن مثلها؟
هل راموا المغفرة لأرواحهم المثقلة بآثامها؟
بينما تحاصرون شعباً خلف أسوار قهرها؟
أو هل ارتدوا بفخر اجرام مهاراتها؟
اغتيال امرآة حامل تحت يافطة "طلقة واحدة قتيلين" عنوانها؟
لا راحة للأقل قداسة، لا سلامة، لا نور ذو بريق
لا ابتهال، لا صلاة لا نهاية في أخر الطريق
لا خبز، لا علاج، لا ملجأ ولا رفيق
أي ملائكة تتمكن من البقاء في ظل جور الرقيق؟!
ما قيمة الحياة القلسطينية
في أرض الله المنسية؟
Abbandonato da dio
La vita, che valore ha?
Vale un granulo di terra?
Una gocciola d’olio?
O una bandiera piantata su un sacro suolo?
Una stella… una mezzaluna… una croce…
Vale per cancellare una vita in modo precoce?
I versi sacri, in quale testo
Giustificano spari da cecchini…
Fosforo bianco e tutto il resto?
Quale scrittura santa ordinò:
“Distruggi i loro villaggi,
e della loro terra fai un falò”?
E dopo il massacro,
Hanno chiesto il condono?
Hanno provato rimorso?
Hanno chiesto il perdono?
Hanno provato a santificare l’anima impura
Mentre la gente è tenuta sotto assedio dietro mura.
O hanno con orgoglio indossato la scritta di teoria impavida:
“SPARI UNO PRENDI DUE” con vignetta di donna gravida
Nessun riposo per meno sacri, né sicurezza, né calma
Nessuna benedizione, né preghiere, né salma
Nessun pane, medicina, casa o espiazione
Nessun angelo sopravvive questa santa Occupazione
La vita di un palestinese, che valore si è meritata
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