The statement issued at the conclusion of the two-week Synod of Bishops conference on Middle East at the Vatican this month – called for the end to the Jewish occupation of Palestine.
It also said that the biblical concept of the “Promised Land nor the Chosen People” justify the building of new illegal Jewish settlements nor the occupation of the Holy Land.
“We thought carefully about the status of Jerusalem is holy. We are concerned about unilateral initiatives that threaten to change the composition and risk population balance,” the statement said.
“There is no longer a ‘chosen people’,” the statement has claimed. When Greek-Melchite Archbishop Cyrille Salim Bustros was asked to explain the claim in a news conference, he replied: ““We Christians cannot speak about the promised land for the Jewish people. There is no longer a chosen people. All men and women of all countries have become the chosen people. The concept of the promised land cannot be used as a base for the justification of the return of Jews to Israel and the displacement of Palestinians. The justification of Israel’s occupation of the land of Palestine cannot be based on sacred scriptures.”
Pope Benedict XVI declared that peace in the Middle East is possible and urgently needed – and the best remedy for the exodus of Christians from the region. According to the Arab Christian sources, Christians made 15% of the pre-1948 Palestine population. Now they’re close to 5% of the population under Jewish rule, which known for abusive treatment of its Christian minority. The largest Palestinian Christian community lives in Chile (500,000) outside Occupied Palestine.
The statement agreed with the two-state solution. But in reality it’s a pipe dream because Benji Netanyahu have never agrred with it. The cunning Zionist know that if an independent Palestinian state did materialize – it will be the end of Zionazi vultures’ use of United States as the ‘Golden hen’ which has been giving US$6-14 billion each year to Israel for over four decades.
Early this month, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent a message to Pope Benedict XVI, calling for cooperation by ‘dive religions’ against secularism.
Holy Qur’an compares Jesus (as) with other great biblical prophets, i.e., Moses, David and Solomon. Holy Qur’an also put Jesus’ mother Mary among the four most praised righteous women.
“‘Behold’! the Angel said; ‘O’ Marriam, Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee, and chosen thee above women of all nations,” Holy Qur’an (3:42).
Furthemore, Holy Qur’an has an entire Surah Marriam (Chapter) dedicated to Jesus’ mother and the Virgin birth of Jesus. An honor which even the Christian Bible (New Testament) has not bestowed upon her. (Watch a trailer of Iranian movie ‘Saint Mary’ below.
River to Sea
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