Thursday 23 December 2010


December 22, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff ·


By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

When the rabbi advising Prime Minister Netanyahu goes on television claiming “goyim,” all non-Jews, only are allowed to stay alive as beasts of burden, serving Jews who are ordained by g-d to “bask in luxury” from the work of others, it isn’t an accident.  He had a job.  That job was to make people hate Jews.  If people forget to hate Jews, Israel will have no purpose, it won’t need nuclear weapons or the continual wars it has convinced the United States to fight in its stead.

When Antisemitism began to disappear and Jews were no longer reviled because of primitive prejudices, Zionists lost a valuable weapon.  The real problem is that the weapon, meant to serve expansionist Israel is also a weapon that has in the past sacrificed the lives of millions of Jews.

When a synagogue is burned, a Zionist lights the fire.  When an Antisemitic slogan is painted on a wall, the offending hand is that of a Zionist.  The world would have long forgotten its bizarre ideas of Jews as Christ killers and moneylenders were it not profitable for political extremists with no real religious views at all to renew them and give them life.

We are seeing a resurgence in Antisemitism, hatred of Jews as human beings, because of Zionism.  America, in economic collapse, tired after 10 years of war and a total loss of faith in government is now being forced into two more wars, Korea and Iran.  The hand of the ultra-nationalists, the Likudists in Israel and the ADL and AIPAC, their American “fifth column” is obvious to everyone.  The terror attacks on 9/11 are now branded as “false flag” and even the most dull witted are seeing the hand of Israel.

American Jews, long convinced that Israel stood vulnerable to attack, subjected to constant terrorism are now questioning.  It doesn’t take a genius to see that the stupidity of Israel, the blatant human rights violations in Gaza, the ties to long discredit neocon extremists in America, the attack on the Freedom Flotilla and the continual drum-beating for war on Iran, is going to have consequences.  It is already happening.
An American public, dumbed down by decades of censored press, substandard education and propaganda is only inches away from becoming a violent mob.  The rage against Islam, created for profit, created as a screen for oil and arms thievery and the looting of trillions of dollars from the American economy, has run its course.  Hundreds of thousands of veterans have returned from war, reporting only corruption in their own leadership.  The terror training camps, the bunker complexes, Osama bin Laden, all never found, perhaps they never existed at all.  This is what is being said.
In 1940, Adolf Hitler was the most popular man in America.  His hatred of Jews was seen as one of his best characteristics.  Hitler had accused Jews of financial attacks on Germany, of building world communism.  His proof was a few documents, unclear as to origin and yet, most of the world chose to follow him.  Today, Israel under its current leadership spits in the face of nearly every nation, its academic leaders threaten Western Europe with nuclear attack, its religious leaders speak of American troops as “donkeys” to be sacrificed, no accusation made against Iran comes close to the things Israel publicly announces about itself.

Who could be this stupid?  We know it is a game, building hatred of Jews so as to keep national victimhood status.  Israel, or rather key groups claiming to be Israel, have made billions on this game.

Fomenting hatred for the Jewish people for financial gain, for political gains, spreading fear, all part of a childishly obvious globalist ploy is insane.
Mikey Weinstein and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation picked up
 on the problem early on.  The love affair between the American right, the Christian Zionists, quickly turned to its Antisemitic roots when Jewish cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs complained about persecution at the hands of supposed “Zionist” Christians.  Students at the academy live in virtual terror, students in training to control America’s vast nuclear arsenal.  Many of the officers currently watching over the most devastating weapons known to man were brainwashed at the Academy.

Not only do many students, cadets, at the Air Force Academy live in fear, all Americans have reason to question the reasoning and loyalty of those who succumbed to indoctrination in apocalypse mythology.  Christian Zionism is a religion of mass suicide.

The thrall followers of pro-apocalypse preacher, John Hagee, Israel’s “bestest” friend in America, have always been “strange bedfellows” for any minority, particularly Jews with their history of valuing education and support for progressive causes. Hagee and his followers represent primitive and backward beliefs, violent, racist, extremist in every way.

Christian Zionism, as a religious doctrine, looks on Judaism as an abomination.  Though it says it supports the return of Jews to Israel, it also supports the destruction of Israel and the forced conversion of all Jews to Christianity.  They simply jumped the gun a bit at the Air Force Academy.


One of the hidden undersides of Hitler’s policies toward the Jews was his alliance with Zionists.  With all current battles pitting one version of the Holocaust against another with historical revisionists claiming that the holocaust is a myth created to further a Hitleresque “Greater Israel” plan, those things that are well within known history are sometimes pushed aside.  One of those things is the strange relationship between Zionists and Hitler, a relationship even a “revisionist” has to admit had unpleasant consequences.

Lenni Brenner, in Counterpunch, writes of his discovery of this dark and shrouded period in history, a period when Zionist Jews in Germany came to an agreement with Hitler.  Under Hitler, Zionists were  to control Jewish life in Germany, eventually settling Jews in Palestine in a pro-German Nazi state.  Zionist Palestine, allied with Hitler, was meant to offset British and German influence in the Middle East, a policy almost identical with the American Middle East Strategy a generation later.  In fact, Israeli policies, first seen as “apartheid” and now more closely resembling the ethnic cleansing of the Serbs, also seems to have a truly “Hitleresque” aspect.

Following the odd history of the relationship between the Zionists and Hitler’s Nazi party, Jews cheering Wehrmacht victories, Jews shocked and dismayed at the Stalingrad defeat, a bitter pill for historians who have to fit this well documented mainstream scenario into a more fanciful historical narrative.

The clear note here, of course, Zionism isn’t Jews and opposing Zionist policies should have nothing to do with labeling anyone, race, religion, ethnicity, not damning them or their children.  However, in our imperfect world, those who too often let greed and ambition blind them from the baser aspects of the human soul do so often misjudge.  Believing that only you can hate, can deceive, can connive, is the height of arrogance.  The Greeks call that hubris.

We call such people fools, perhaps something worse.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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