Ken O'Keefe
We can achieve anything we set our minds to. We can expose the tyrants and their minions. We can end the scourge of endless war, especially the farcical “War on Terror.” Let us begin to acknowledge every institution and person who perpetuates this illusion for who they are, dupes and/or servants to tyranny. The former must be seen with understanding and support, they are brothers and sisters caught in the web but we can help free them. The latter on the other hand must be exposed and warned that there are consequences for such allegiance. People die and suffer in legions for their work, there must be consequences, and there must be responsibility. Ignorance of a crime and following “just following orders” is not a defence.
How many of us know the truth and can see through the propaganda? I do not know the number but is massive. And we are the ones that truly matter; we are the most powerful force on this planet. We have just been in a slumber. We are Muslims, we are Christians, we are Atheists, we are Communists, we are black and white, male and female, we are Chinese and Peruvian and Hawaiian, we are liberal and we are conservative, we are all people who know right from wrong and we are fully capable of agreeing to disagree on matters of lesser importance. What do we agree on? That is what matters most. Do we agree that people should be free to live life as they see fit, so long as we do not adversely affect others? Then we agree on a most important matter. Do we agree that human rights are inherent? If so then we agree on a most important matter. What we agree on is far more important than what we disagree on.
I have longed for the day that we can celebrate our differences, where we would shed the labels and the treatment of others based on whether they fit into “my” group. To all my Muslim brothers and sisters I say that I am not a Muslim, to all my Atheist friends that I am not an Atheist, nor am I any label that would ever satisfy me, but one thing is for sure, I am your brother. I will always be your brother, and I will treat you as I would treat my brother/sister… because we are indeed family.
As for my lost brothers and sisters who subscribe to “chosen one” ideologies, providing preferential treatment for themselves and often times grave injury to others, you are a threat to all people for the logical consequence of your power expanding is more injustice. Yours is a tribal ideological relic of the past, one that fits perfectly into the tyrants scheme, feeds into perpetual war, it divides and does so expressly for the empowerment of the few. That was yesterday; let us never forget. But today we are thinking differently, we are acting differently, and tomorrow we shall act as one.
For those of my brothers and sisters so indoctrinated that you cannot fathom what it is to treat others as you would yourself, you have been conned. You have been stripped of your humanity; you are a threat to the whole. What difference does it make whether it is Hitler or any other supremacist? Anybody who supports persecution or denial of rights based on values of supremacy is an enemy to the people. We can say this of all sorts of people, elitists, racists, religious extremists, no one group has a monopoly on such thinking, and each of you is essentially the same.
I do not believe myself much different from most people in that I am happy to share this world with all people, people of all religions, orientations, cultures, the only thing I require is respect and freedom for myself the rest of my human family.
I believe the time has come to unite, those of us who are sane, who can see that the masses are comprised of so many cultures and vastly different ways of life, yet we all demand essentially the same things. We demand to be treated with respect. We demand the right to a decent way of life. We demand to be free. We demand to be treated as a human being and afforded all the rights of a human being. How many of us are there? I don’t know but it is a huge number. We need only unite and we will expose and root out the tyrants and their servants quite quickly.
And to my Egyptian and Tunisian brothers and sisters, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
River to Sea
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