by Bob Johnson
Americans are programmed by everything from the “education” system to the nightly news to MTV that voting is important. In just two speeches Barrack Obama has exposed the lie in this false belief.
On Thursday, May 19, 2011 politician Obama gave a speech at the State Department in which he made it appear he wanted Israel to return to its 1967 borders as a way to further the failed decades old peace process in the Middle East. He played down the part that the borders could be adjusted to some degree.
Three days latter he gave a speech at the convention of the overly powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the key lobby group of the Israeli lobby. In his AIPAC speech he made it clear his previous mention of Israel returning to the 1967 border was virtually meaningless.
He indirectly assured his Israel over all audience that his words Thursday would not hinder Israel’s expansion into a Greater Israel at the continued expense of the Palestinian people by saying and by stressing (I wouldn’t be surprised if he employed something similar to Monty Python’s “wink-wink-nod-nod”) that he stipulated there would be negotiations regarding land swaps between Israel and the Palestinians. He said the two sides, “will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967.” Knowing full well what Obama meant, the throng of Zionists gave a rapturous applause. Of course, this is just more of the same that has been going on since 1967.
It seems Obama has Israel’s best interests at heart to the point of being willing to take some political heat for the benefit of the Jewish state. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair made it clear the reason Obama mentioned the 1967 borders had nothing to do with ending the violence in the region or to establish a Palestinian homeland.
The real reason was to help Israel by tricking the Palestinians into coming back to the endlessly nonproductive peace talks instead of going to the United Nations in September and declaring a Palestinian state. Obama knows, as all politicians know, that talk is the cheapest thing in the world. By keeping the Palestinians at the table talking, no action will be taken and the status-quo of Israel stealing land from the Palestinians will continue on.
To further cement Jewish support he pointed out to the AIPAC crowd that despite Americans suffering through the worst financial catastrophe since the last economic depression in the 1930s, he, Obama, requested and received over $200 million US tax dollars and gave it to Israel for its development and building of the anti-rocket system Iron Dome. This is in addition to the well over $3 BILLION US politicians take from American tax payers every year and give to Israel.
If we had an honest media made up of journalists instead of careerists, this attack on the American people would have been front page news. Instead we get nothing from our “free press.” As Henry Mencken said, “Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.” Hopefully, the Internet will help correct this critical problem.
Obama’s duplicity in just these two speeches makes it very, very obvious to any objective thinking person that voting is a complete and utter waste of time. It is not only a waste of time and energy, it is morally wrong because it encourages charlatans and political whores like Obama to continue the deadly scam. When people are foolish enough to vote they’re sending a strong message to the crooked politicians that they are buying their lies and deceptions and that they in fact want more of the same.
Not only does voting encourage the thieves and con-artists in politics and allows them to continue their unnecessary wars and destruction and thievery of the people, it gives sincere people who actually vote the false belief that they can correct the monumental problems facing us and our children and grandchildren today by merely voting. They don’t realize it’s the machine itself, which they are making themselves a part of by playing its game and voting, which needs to come down.
Voting today is akin to those delegates at the Continental Congress who argued for more dialogue with their government instead of following the beliefs of the revolutionaries who knew talk and any form of working within the corrupt system was wrong and a waste of time.
River to Sea
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