Contributed by MoTalking
There are so many lies put forward by Zionists to justify their cruel dispossession of land, water and resources from the indigenous population, The PalestiniansA reading of the Israeli version of history will reveal the length they were prepared to go to gain the whole of "Eretz Israel". Transfer and Expulsion are key words in the discussions of The Jewish leaders and still today politicians discuss these possibilities.
"In its initial stage, Zionism was conceived by its pioners as a movement wholly depending on mechanical factors:there is a country which happens to be called Palestine. a country without a people, and on the other hand,there exists The Jewish people and it has no country"
Chaim Weizman. Paris 1914
"The British told us that there are some hundred thousands negroes(Kushin) and for those there is no value"
Chaim Weizman May 20 1936
"We cannot allow the Arabs to block so valuable a piece of historic reconstruction. And therefore we must gently persuade them to trek. After all they have Arabia with its million square miles There is no particular reason for the Arabs to cling to these few kilometrees. "to fold their tents and "silently steal away " is their proverbial habit".
Israel Zangwill The Voice of Israel
" We must expel Arabs and take their places...and if we have to use force-not to dispossess the Arabs of the Negev and Transjordan but to guarantee our own right to settle in those places-then we have force at our disposal"
"The attempt of population transfer involves many difficulties...but after all we only want to transfer the Arabs from one place to another in their same country of residence so that a wide way will be opened for our systematic colonization"
Moshe Dayan referring to displaced Palestinian farming communities
"Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are no longer there...There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population".
Ha'aretz April 4 1969
Yosef Weitz in 1941 toured central Palestine and recorded seeing
"Large Arab villages crowded in population and surrounded by cultivated land growing olives, grapes, figs, sesame and maize fields...Would we be able to maintain scattered settlements among these existing Arab villages that will always be larger than ours. And is there any possibility of buying their land ?...and once again I hear that voice inside me calling: Evacuate this country
Operation Nachson Plan Dalet was a plan for systematic and total expulsion of the Palestinian
"You will move to State Dalet for an operative implementation of Plan Dalet. The villages you will capture, cleanse or destroy will be decided according to consultation with your advisers on Arab affairs and the intelligence officers"

Eli Shimoni senior officer in The Alexandroni Brigade Maariv Feb 4 2001
Teddy Katz, an Israeli research student found out the truth when researching for his MA at Haifa University. The University retroactively disqualified his thesis and he was sued for libel (see Pappe's book Out Of The Frame)
Ben Gurion addressing commanders of the Haganah in a letter 1948
"the cleansing of Palestine remained the prime objective of Plan Dalet
Using the noun bi'ur means either cleansing the leaven in Passover or root out, eliminate.
Tihur literally translated as purifying was used by the leaders frequently and explicitly
It is difficult to not feel revulsion at the sanctimonious bleatings of The Zionists when every piece of evidence reveals a plan or plans (Plan Dalet) for systematic transfer and expulsion of the native population of Palestine. Until Israelis read and study their history with an open mind there is no hope for justice for the Palestinians unless the Americans and Europe finally read the history too and propose to act.
I am aware of a large body of Israelis and Palestinians whose bravery and fortitude in protesting the myths of Israeli history cannot be over emphasised
They have to confront extraordinary lies and death threats as did Ilan Pappe, driven to seek sanctuary in Britain. (See his book Out Of The Frame) Ghada Karmi was driven from her home (see her memoir In Search of Fatima)
In the Book of Joshua God calls the Israelites to genocide. He commanded the Israelites to murder the tribe of Amalek, both man and woman, infant, suckling.
Yigal Allon told Ben Gurion "we need a cruel and brutal retaliating policy, we have to to be accurate in time, place and number of dead. If we know that a family is guilty we should be merciless, and kill the women and the children as well, otherwise the reaction is useless"
Holocaust Survivors and Sephardic Jews
Ben Gurion "turning these people of dust into a cultured, independent nation with a vision will be no easy task"
"Among the survivors of the German concentration camps were people who would not have prevailed had they not been what they were, hard, bad and egotistical. And everything that happened to them excised all that is good from their souls"
"Afro-Asian Jews "their customs are those of the Arabs. They love their women but beat them...maybe in the third generation something will appear from the Oriental Jew that is different.
But I don't see it yet, the culture of Morocco I would not like to have here....we don't want Israelis becoming Arabs.
We are duty bound to fight against the spirit of the Levant which corrupts individuals and societies"
In the early days of the Israeli State, the elderly and ill were discouraged from immigration and
the discrimination against Sephardic Jews was challenged by Shas
Myth of land
Mid 1990's 3%
December 1948 Ben Gurion sold land captured during the war to JNF, a company registered in London and affiliated with the Zionist Organisation with a quasi governmental status within Israel Government apparatus. Ben Gurion's actions were in flagrant breach of international law.
The dispossessed Palestinian's lands became the property of the Jewish people and subject to JNF regulations prohibiting its being leased to non-Jews thus enshrining a principle of discrimination between the two citizen groups from whose displaced compatriots the land had been confiscated
Emergency Regulations and Absentee Property Law
Millions of dunams of land were nationalised as well as property.
The uprooted person became an absentee by virtue of having left his usual place of habitation in Eretz Israel...absence from it at any time since the beginning of the war even for a few days resulted in one's property being placed under the management and supervision of the custodian of absentee property who was authorised to subsequently sell it to the Development Authority which in turn was authorised to transfer it to "others".
Menachem Usishkin
"All Eretz Israel or at least the greater part will be the property of the Jewish people
The Arab employment in Jewish economy is a painful leprosy"
The unceasing horror of what the Zionists have done to the Palestinians is leavened from time to time by the roll call of honour of some of its citizens
Dr Shlomo Shmelzman
"In my childhood I have suffered fear, hunger and humiliation when I passed from the Warsaw Ghetto through labour camps to Buchenwald. Today as a citizen of Israel I cannot accept the systematic destruction of cities, towns and refugee camps. I cannot accept the technocratic cruelty of the bombing, destroying and killing of human beings. I hear too many familiar sounds today, sounds which are being amplified by the war.
I hear "dirty Arabs" and I hear "dirty Jews".
I hear about closed areas and I remember ghettos and camps.
I hear "two legged beasts" and I remember "Untermenschen"
I hear about tightening of the siege, clearing the area, pounding the city into submission, and I remember suffering, destruction, death, blood and murder.
Too many things in Israel remind me of too many things in my childhood
River to Sea
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