[ 05/08/2011 - 09:28 PM ]
No tears ought to be shed for ex-President Husni Mubarak, his two sons, and several of his aides and ministers, who were arraigned before a Cairo court on Wednesday on charges of murder, breach of trust, and misappropriation of public funds.
The hands of the former dictator are thoroughly stained with the blood of hundreds of innocent Egyptians. As President, Mubarak ordered co-defendant, ex-interior minister Habeeb el-A'adly to crush peaceful protesters by whatever means necessary. The eventual outcome of these murderous instructions was hundreds of innocent people getting killed, maimed and mutilated.
There are those who would want to see mercy take priority over justice. But Mubarak, who never behaved mercifully toward ordinary Egyptians, let alone his political opponents, doesn’t deserve mercy.
Indeed, according mercy to the unmerciful is an abuse of mercy just as forgiving criminals and murderers constitutes a breach of justice.
In the final analysis, the victims, their relatives and friends have an absolutely inherent right to see that justice is done.
In the absence of justice, societies fall prey to corruption and decay and even life itself becomes futile.
Hence, the prosecution of Mubarak and his gang should be viewed as a historical and auspicious landmark separating two eras, an era of despotism, tyranny, lawlessness and corruption, which ought to be consigned to history for good and not allowed to raise its head again, and an era of justice, responsible governance where the rule of the law is above all considerations.
This is not a matter of vindictiveness and vengeance. It is simply a matter of fairness and justice.
I don't know the nature of the punishment that will be meted out to Mubarak at the end of his trial. However, if he is found guilty of giving instructions to people like Habeeb Aadly to shoot and murder peaceful demonstrators, then Mubarak must meet his ineluctable fate. After all, Mubarak's life is not more precious than those of his numerous victims.
Mubarak's misdeeds go far beyond instructing security officials to murder innocent, peaceful protesters. For 30 years, he presided over a corrupt police-state apparatus which effectively metamorphosed a country of eighty million from an independent and vigorous state into a virtual Israeli-American colony.
Mubarak crushed human rights and civil liberties, using the notorious Mabahes Amnel dawla (the state security apparatus), a sort of Egyptian Savak. His regime practiced torture, imprisoned political opponents and outlawed legitimate political activities.
And in order that he might remain at the helm of power, and even bequeath it to his son or sons after him, Mubarak placed Egypt at Israel 's beck and call. He did every thing, including brazen collusion with the Zionist regime, to prove and demonstrate his loyalty to the Nazi-like entity.
His disgraceful position during the genocidal Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip in 2008-09 will continue to be a stigma of shame for many many years to come.
It is true that the Nazis of our time, the murderous Zionists, bear direct responsibility for the Nazi-like death and terror wreaked on the innocent people of Gaza for three infernal weeks. But it is also true that the genocidal campaign wouldn't have occurred, let alone continued for that long, had it not been for the Mubarak regime's scandalous collusion, connivance and collaboration with the Zionists.
Mubarak didn’t stop at this. He sought to build a concrete-and -steel wall along the Gaza borders to see to it that blockaded and besieged Gazans would starve to death. He wanted to choke Gazans to death in order to obtain a certificate of good conduct from Israel and the Jewish-control American Congress.
Hence, one doesn't go too far by stating that Mubarak and his regime stand guilty for allowing the Judeo-Nazis in Tel Aviv to shed rivers of Palestinian blood under the rubric of fighting Hamas, a democratically elected political party whose only crime, from the Mubarak regime's perspective, was its ideological affinity wit the Muslim Brotherhood, Mubarak's ultimate anathema and comfortable mantra for falsifying elections, suppressing opposition and resisting democratic reforms.
Mubarak, the petty dictator, had the mindset of a little pharaoh. He thought he was omnipotent and eternal. He never thought he would have to stand trial for his crimes against the Egyptian people. And he seemed to never have thought about the hereafter, when he will have to answer the Almighty for every thing he did.
Now that he is standing trial, he should serve as an example for other Arab dictators who still think that they are the Almighty's shadow on earth. This is why these thugs do what they are doing, slaughtering their own people just because these people want to be free like the rest of mankind.
There is no doubt that other Arab tyrants are extremely anxious watching their former boss in the dock. They dread that day they might be forced to answer for their own crimes against humanity and against their own people.
There is no doubt that the Egyptian people are the ultimate winners from this historical and landmark event. Egypt won’t be the same ever after this episode.
The same thing can be said of Arab masses from Bahrain to Morocco who won't allow them to be intimidated by petty dictators and tyrants playing gods over people's fates and destinies.
But there are certainly those who do shed tears for Mubarak. They mostly exist in Israel and the United States .
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After all, they've lost their man, or more correctly, their stooge and agent. Mubarak, as his Zionist friend Benyamin Benalizer testified a few days ago, was more than just a friend of Israel . He was actually one of its closest allies. That says it all.
I think traitors ought to meet a traitor's fate, and that is death. We must never be apologetic about this.
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
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