Montreal’s Mount Royal riding has been Liberal Party stronghold since 1940s. Late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau had represented the riding from 1965 to 1984. Now, the riding has become a battle ground between two Israel-Firster politicians. Former President of Canadian Jewish Congress and Justice Minister and current Liberal MP Irwin Cotler, and Saulie Zajdel, who lost the Mount Royal riding to Irwin Cotler in the last election. Both Colter and Zajdel are Jewish and staunch supporter of the Zionist entity. The Jews in the riding constitute 45% of those who vote. In 2009, both had blasted their fellow Zionist Jew, South African judge Richard Goldstone for blaming Israel for committing crimes against humainty during the Dec-Jan 2009 Gazzah invasion.
Saulie Zajdel, like his boss, Conservative Party Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, believes that the entire world revolves around Israel. Stephen Harper is one of the two Canadian Islamophobes listed on Israel Hasbara Committee. In September 2011 – Harper in an exclusive interview told CBC chief correspondent Peter Mansbridge on The National Thursday Night that Islamist terrorists pose the greatest threat to the national scurity of Canada. Muslims happen to be Canada’s No.1 religious minority – over one million.
Currently, the Israel-Firster Conservatives are running a smearing campaign against a Liberal Israel-Firster, MP Irwin Cotler. First it was reported that Irwin Cotler 71 is planning to vacate his parliamentarian seat to be filled by a by-election. Then a smearing flyer was distributed among Cotler’s constituents claiming that he had attended “the anti-Semitic” Durban I World Conference on Racism in South Africa. In fact, the delegates from the US and Canada had walked out of the conference after it had declared Israel to be racist entity. Interestingly, Canadian Jewish professor Diana Ralph (Carleton University) wrote: “The only States which walked out, to their shame, were Israel and United States”.
In reponse to Irwin Cotler’s complaint about the smear campaign in the House of Common – the Speaker Andrew Scheer, the Tory MP from Regina-Qu’Appelle, said that though he was “entirely sympathetic” to Cotler – “I am not able on technical ground to find that a prima facie case of privilege exists in this case,” concluded the Speaker.
Interestingly, Jewish professor Andrew Cohen (Carleton University) wrote an Op-Ed in Ottawa Citizen (December 13, 2011) in support of MP Irwin Colter.
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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