Monday 26 March 2012

Deception is the Rule

kenny's sideshow

The third shooting in the last week in France takes a different turn, this time at a jewish school where reports are a rabbi, his two young sons and a little girl were killed by a lone gunman on a motorbike. The beginning of a real French anti-zionist revolution? It's hard to say at this moment but most likely not. The narrative of eternal victim sometimes needs a reinforcing event and this shooting very conveniently serves the purpose. It's certainly a distraction from other current travesties and killing a few to further other agendas has precedents. We'll stay tuned on this one.

Speaking of eternal victims, a local 'Christian' school hosted a 'holocaust' survivor to speak to a captive audience of nearly 1,800 students. Her story sounded familiar. Father killed. She, mother and sister sent to the ghetto where the little kids were given no food so they dug a tunnel to get out and get some. Then the escape with days spent in a river until her mother disappeared. The next three years spent wandering the forest like an animal searching for her mother, food and safety. Cheating death but finally saved by the Soviets. Amazing tale eh.

The school's teachers teach fifth-grade students about the war and 'holocaust' by having the students participate in a boot camp.There were no more details on exactly what the boot camp was.

This school will never host a forum for the victims of Israeli land theft, displacement and genocide. No survivor of the USS Liberty will ever be invited to speak and tell that story. The systematic killing of maybe 60 million gentiles by the Russian Bolshevik jews will never be discussed. There can only be one 'number 1' set of victims for the kiddies to shout out 'never again' to. Selected and distorted history is a hallmark in the war for generation after generation of young minds.

There's been a number of reports like this one in the alternative media praising the Tennessee legislature for their 'fight' against the UN's Agenda 21. Not that this issue should be swept under the rug. Anytime something is funded by the UN, Rockefeller Foundations subsidiaries and the Clinton Foundation, one knows there are some high level criminal activities going on with the true agendas kept hidden.

That said, let's not get too excited over a group of right wing, often Christian zionist warmonger representatives taking outside pre-written laws and resolutions and then passing them. Things may not be what they seem.

These are the same lawmakers who push the Islamophobia psyops, especially Rep. Rick Womick who sees a crazed jihad Muslim behind every bush. Getting a few things right doesn't mean these reps are friends of the people. Their strings are being pulled and they play their part in the grand scheme of the false left/right paradigm. Deception is the rule.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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