The seized messages – which Al-Akhbar local news paper has got part of them - shed the light upon an invisible side of what is going on in the council, its relations with the western and eastern countries and the ways how it manage the funds obtained. Starting from today, Al-akhbar posts the messages it has. Today’s episode includes three of those documents.
Riad Al-Assaad conceited .. collective leadership must be found
Date: 04/04/2012 at 22:30
Location: skype
Attendance: Dr. Ghalioun, Mr. Farouk, Mr. Samir, Dr. Abdul Basit, Dr. Basma
Candidates for the Bureau membership: Mr. Adnan Saif, George Sabra, Dr. Harbinger
Absence: Eng. Motiie, Dr. Ahmed, Dr. Abdul Ahad
Candidates for the Bureau membership: Mr. Tawfiq Donia.
- The Kurdish issue
- The Council held a press conference to explain our view of the Kurdish issue.
- Kurdish National Assembly is not ready to enter into a dialogue with us at this stage, the dialogue will be after their forthcoming conference, and will be after two or three weeks.
- We cannot be willing to please the Kurdish members - present with us - more than what we offered them, and they should take their decision whether to return or not on the light of our current position.
In the light of all that we have for our view on the Kurdish issue, the provided authority cannot be exceeded in any case because it had exceeded all the limits already, and the Kurdish members should make their decision and attract other Kurdish potentials appeared in the scene.
2- Relief Work
Two million euro and a half million had been disbursed; 300 thousand of which were disbursed through the Relief Office. The Office said that if you do not trust it, you can appoint a committee of supervision, then leave both of the office and your decisions to work and you will see results in the future.
Two committees were previously formed, one for the distribution of relief support and the other for policy and decision-making planning used for the distribution of relief. It is necessary to implement the two resolutions.
Implementing the Office’s resolutions should be worked on, regarding the distribution mechanisms and the mechanisms of control and follow-up.
3- Preparatory Committee for the expansion and restructuring of the Council
The function is to study the establishing components of the Council and the external forces trying to join it and working to improve its performance, restructure it, activate the institutional work and prepare for a future stage that includes all the parties.
Kofi Annan group wish to meet with the Preparatory Commission. This is interesting. Thus, we have to improve our attitude towards the other party of the Committee and justify its positions towards the Council. This point is to be discussed within the framework of the next meeting of the Office.
When studying each of the components, standards must be taken into account in terms of size, features, date of formation and the level of abuse of the movement and its institutions in the previous round. Thus, there is no need to join people who did not stop abusing the Council and its institutions.
We asked the Germans to develop a framework in line with our position as a national council in order to take advantage of international experience to help us find a flexible structure and serious in making the decision away from bureaucracy.
Prepared projects, which belong to the brother Abu Jawad, Mr. Maher Al-Ess, brother Hisham Mrouweh, brother Joseph Wigmore and that of the legal department, should be collected before the next meeting. Then send them to the Office members for revision prior to the meeting and discussion. Dr. Nazir has been committed to contact concerned parties to ask them for their projects. Dr. Basma will assist him to find the address of Brother Joseph.
4- Liaison Office
Meeting was attended by the brothers: Dr. Mohammed Farooq, Dr. Ahmed, Engineer Motiea on behalf of the Council, along with Brigadier General Adnan Ahmad, Colonel Riaz Ahmad Assad and Irfan Hamoud.
The brothers showed the way in which Colonel Riad has dealt with the Commission, and the epitaxial relationship which showed his arrogance. They also said we must create a collective leadership to ensure proper functioning, since the Colonel’s attitude does not suggest comfortable interact with him. In-depth study is needed in the next office meeting.
We could not find out the extent to which Free Armed and the interior armed resistance are related.
Positive evaluation of the Brigadier Adnan’s personality and attitude.
Follow-up request
- Meeting with the deans in Turkey is needed to select the participants in the Liaison Committee.
- Saadeddine Qasim’s statement said that the Syrian army is represented abroad and does not have any field liaison with him.
Follow-up request
- Preparing tables of the names of dissident military elements to pay their salaries. This point is to be completed in the next office meeting.
5- Secretariat Meeting
- Within two days, we will send the draft agenda
- Brother Wael Mirza submitted his apology to work in this committee
- Proposed date is the second half of April to be approved
- Main points of the meeting is to discuss restructuring and expansion
6- Other Emerging Issues
1 - The bodies which were found in the refrigerators of National Hospital in the city of Homs, the regime's attempt to obliterate the crime by destroying the hospital, and the need to warn the world opinion of the danger of this operation at the humanitarian and legal levels.
After making sure that information is correct, brother Abdul Basit Sida, head of the Human Rights Office, is committed to communicate with the head of the Red Cross Foundation to inform him about the operation, and study with him all possible measures to stop it. He should also ask the Information Office to issue one statement or more, and communicate with the press to explain the case and its implications.
2- Dr. Samir Assassination Attempt
Information Office is to issue a statement condemning this action, stating that the repressive regime in Damascus is used to commit it, and that these actions of the repressive regime in Syria will not pass without punishment. The information office is also to send a message to dr. Samir (to congratulate) him for his recovery (dr. Basma).
3- Expressing support for the media project in Paris which is decided to be adopted for a period of one month. The council also decides to adopt the project after the office reviews it.
Call two - at a maximum - of those in charge of this project to meet with the Office in its next meeting (dr. Warner) for implementation.
4- Meeting with Swedish Ambassador to the Syrian issue and try to request humanitarian and medical aid.
5- The need to pay attention to the dissidents soldiers in northern Iraq.
6- After the Istanbul Conference, the confidence of the Council began to increase, as well as the need to accommodate the phenomenon of local councils and the General Authority of the Revolution by the Syrian National Council as the legitimate representative of all of the Syrian people, in addition to the necessity of taking into account the feelings of others, and to assert that the Council is keen on the whole sincere and honest truth.
7- Socialist Party - dissident from Hassan Abdel Azim and Rajaa Nasser – has gained the majority of the party members, where only a few historic leaders were left.
The next meeting will be held in Istanbul on Sunday and Monday 8 and April 9, 2012. Arrival will be on Saturday evening.
The Secretariat
Translated by Eslam al-Rihani - to be continued ..
River to Sea
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