Tuesday, April 17th, 2012
Purity of Arms
Such conduct is not characteristic of the soldiers and commanders of the Israel Ministry and has no place in the army or the State of Israel”
Let’s be clear, this sort of behaviour is in stark contrast to our norms and our values and is simply unacceptable”.
Friends of the suspended officer claimed that the Danish activist had fractured bones in the soldier’s hand before the incident. The soldiers had acted with restraint and tried to disperse the cyclists blocking the road and only retaliated when they were attacked”
Two The excerpt below can be read in full on this blog as Soldiers Testimonies.
They have been downloaded by me from Breaking The Silence,(with their permission) a group of Israeli soldiers, men and women who have bravely put themselves on the line and under fire, drawing upon themselves the ire of the usual suspects and haters. I have tried again and again to get so called liberal commentators, radical theatre groups here and in the USA to take an interest and have created a documentary type presentation. All to no avail.
IDF Testimony
Soldier 10. My main difficulty in Hebron was the settlers, the Jewish community there. The feeling was that we were protecting the Arabs from the Jews. And neither side liked us, but it felt as though the Jews really did whatever they pleased, and no one would care. We were stuck in the middle. I’ll give you an example of something that happened right next to me: I was standing guard duty, and one of the outposts summoned a medic on radio. Someone replaced me at the guard post and I ran down, and I see a 6 year-old Palestinian girl, her whole head was an open wound.Did you also see the opposite?
Jewish Israeli soldier,and I’m supposed to be against the Arabs because they are my enemy, but I’m here, next to a house in the post, and I think that they are not OK, that the Jews aren’t right. So wait, so no, I have to turn a switch in my brain to keep hating Arabs and justifying Jews. But no, wait, they still are not OK, they are starting it, because of them we are
here, and because of them this is all happening, because they bother them and they are afraid. Like, it’s terrible, all of this…
Soldier 10. Because it’s loyalty to your side.
Questioner. What age are the kids you are talking about?
Questioner. Were there incidents of violence by adults?
Soldier 10. I remember there was, we were traveling on a bus, it was during the disengagement, I don’t remember what the story was, but someone who they said was crazy, and her husband or boyfriend was killed by terrorist, I don’t know what, so she was screaming at the soldiers, at one of the soldiers who wouldn’t give her a place to sit on the bus. I remember that he controlled himself, controlled himself, and she also hit him, I think. He controlled himself, controlled himself, and then at a certain point he yelled at her,
“Shut up, it’s because of you I’m here at all.” They hated being there.Questioner. The soldiers?
Soldier 10. Yes. I also think they were mad at the settlers, the residents of Hebron. They were mad.
Questioner. They don’t bring you pizzas to the post and all kinds of stuff like that?
Soldier 10. They bring, but every so often I would hear, “because of these shits we are here at all, they should get out of here, they should leave.” On the one hand there is that, again, you are mad at your nation that they are here, at the Jews that they are here. On the other hand, you also hate the Arabs, because they kill your friends and make trouble for you.
Questioner. So you hate everyone?
Soldier 10. Yes. And then I think that you don’t think, you say what pops into your head at that moment: now I hate this, so I’ll curse him, and after that I hate this, so I’ll curse him,
River to Sea
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
Purity Of Arms
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