Congratulations for to the Statue of Liberty and for Lincoln who freed the slaves , and congratulations to the United Nations of Ban Ki Moon .
All these lies inculcated to children at schools by the Western Establishment now will surface again . It is in Syria that these lies are surfacing again , in Syria where truth will be told by dead journalists , by killed newsmen and women shot dead at the hands of thugs armed by the Saudi king and by the prince of Qatar and organized by the UN and by Obama and Cameron . You have to listen to Syria and to watch Syria so that you know the truth for this is from where truth is coming , don’t listen to anything else if you are a truth seeker , just watch . Get to know the people who are ruling you , get to know and get acquainted with what they do and how they kill .
From Syria you can know all , how they kill helpless people and how they kill journalists .Get acquainted with the killers , the killers of women and children and of so many others . Get acquainted with the monsters who are ruling you , the monsters of this world, get to know Obama the killer and Cameron the killer and Sarkozy or Hollande , get to know Ban Ki Moon the killer . Get to know Columbus the killer , and George Washington the killer and the queen of England , get to know all these killers descendents of killers and who will bear killers in their turn.
Forget about their great discoveries and their cities and their cartels , forget about the great inventions and great theories , forget about their scientific progress and technological achievements , forget about their letters and about their art and music , forget about their great innovations, forget the space and the moon and the satellites , forget about their spaceships and space probes . Forget about all this . Just look at how they kill and who they kill and why they kill , just look at this . This is not only the Saudi king or the prince of Qatar or mediocre Erdugan . This is the dynasty of killers that has started hundreds of years ago in Europe and then in the States .
The dynasty of killers is now performing in Syria art works of slaughters and massacres . It is creating masterpieces that they have the guts to accuse others of committing. They have the guts to accuse Kaddhafi or al Assad or whoever of their own massacres . Previously they killed using Zionist Jews , they killed and killed and killed and are still killing , now they are killing through Muslim Sunni fanatics and they kill and kill and kill and tomorrow they will still be killing for this is their daily bread , this is what they have been doing and what they will still be doing .
As you buy your loaf of bread they go out in the early morning and start killing , from the White House and the Congress and L’Elysee , from Downing Street they start killing and from Buckingham Palace and the Vatican , they organize meetings for the whole week , they meet and decide whom to kill this week and how are they going to kill, and it goes from week to week .
Who are they ? They are the rulers of this world , They are the al Qa’ida if you’re not aware . The rulers of this world are the terrorists of this world , or did you think al Qa’ida is made only of the few poor people recruited in some camps or some poor neighborhood, given some money and some weapons and explosives to tie to someone waste and then off to paradise ? Did you think really that al Qa’ida is only constituted of these poor credulous people with beards and beeds , of ambitious blind mediocre believers ? Not at all , for Al Qa’ida is Obama, is Ban Ki Moon , is Sarkozy and Cameron and Bush and her Majesty the queen of England and his eminence the pope . This is the al Qa’ida, this is the first rank of al Qa’ida and the others are subordinates, the Netenyahu and Peres and Hamad and Abdullah are nothing but subordinates , they carry on the orders of the first rank ,It is al Qa’ida that is ruling you and it is time for you to know..
River to Sea
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