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The free men around the world are nothing but his
Brothers of America brothers around the world.
He hope the election of Muammed Morsi as President of Egypt ”is going to be good news for the Palestinians and their enduring just cause.”
Amayereh is calling Egypt to guard “its sovereignty and national dignity, even at the expense of displeasing Washington and other western capitals.” and “make it clear to the Zionist leadership that Egypt can never be a friend or peaceable neighbor of the Jewish state as long as the Zionist regime occupies Palestine, especially Jerusalem, and pursues its ethnic cleansing enterprise against its people.”….” no one is suggesting that Egypt should wage an all-out war against the criminal entity. However, Egypt under the new leadership can’t and must not allow Zionist terrorists and gangsters to have a free season on the Palestinians with impunity.”…”renegotiate its peace treaty with Israel”… “must seek the possession of a strategic deterrent if only to protect its people and their vital interests from the morbid vagaries and sick tendencies of Israel”
With “the mind of an engineer and a sense of a wise man”, shall turn Egypt into another Turkey or even another South Korea. In other words in a Nato puppet regime lending “a helping hand to all Arab peoples seeking freedom and liberation from their tyrannical regimes as in Syria where a decidedly criminal minority sectarian regime is effectively exterminating its people in order to stay in power.”
In fact the opportionist MB sold Palestine, Jerusalem, and Hamas, their daughter for a president without balls while the tyrannical regime in Syria is fighting the global war to keep their cause the Palestinian cause alive.
Amayereh Quoted ”the late British writer and journalist, Peter Mansfield, wrote that the Muslim Brotherhood was a spent force and that it wouldn’t see the light of the day again, thanks to Nasser’s repression of the group.”.
In fact thanks to MB treason.
Meanwhile, “Hamas is now doing a dance toward the Syrian regime. The organization has been a close ally – if not client – of the Syrian regime for long years and yet now its wants to pretend that its years of alliance with the Syrian regime never ever happened.
Hamas wants to have it both ways: it wants to take the easy road by waiting the Syrian crisis out, hoping that it would inflict little political damage on its fortunes.
To the Syrian opposition, Hamas can claim that it did not support the Syrian regime and that its leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, once made a generic and general statement about support for the Syrian people. This is the claim of support for the Syrian uprising by Hamas.
For the Syrian regime, Hamas can note that it has not made explicit statements against the Syrian regime and that it has not expressed any support for any of the armed opposition groups inside Syria.
Hamas wish that the Syrian crisis would end so that it can easily pick the side of the victor. It has been waiting for all those months hoping for an early outcome. The prolongation of the crisis has meant that Hamas can prefer to be mostly silent.
But the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in several Arab countries has made Hamas more obligated to pay homage to the mother organization. Mahmoud al-Zahhar even cast a ballot in the Egyptian election.
But if Hamas wants to identify with the Syrian opposition and its armed groups – in the event that its side wins, it should say so and it should state that clearly. But if Hamas were to do that, it would be obligated to explain and justify its long years of support for the Syrian regime.
And if Hamas wants to identify with the Syrian regime – in the event it succeeded in crushing opposition in the country – Hamas would be obligated to explain to the regime its months-long silence on Syria.
The position of Hamas vis-à-vis the Syrian crises reeks of political opportunism. Al-Quds Al-Arabi even cited Khaled Meshal as stating that he would abandon the Iranian sponsor if another financial backer can be found.
Hamas has been sending delegations to GCC countries but Saudi Arabia has rebuffed repeated requests by Hamas for meetings with Saudi officials. Saudi Arabia has been requesting that Hamas cut off ties with Iran.
It is likely that Hamas will maintain its policy of wait-and-stay-silent on Syria until a victor emerges. Only then will Hamas resume its tone of staunch support for the Syrian regime, or it will manufacture a new tone of support for its enemies. It all depends on the outcome
Your are a LIAR, I am not talking about Sunnis. I am talking about MB, in Particular, here, about the Assh*le Khalid Amayereh. You know that I was a consistent Supporter of Hamas when Hamas its compus was Palestine. If you don’t just visit my blog. However, you are not able the think or see out of your sectarian box.
antiwar.com including this hasbara:
“Experts quoted in the Israeli press…”
in the article only hurts their own credibility. “Experts quoted in the Israeli press”

is ditz being a ditz again?
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Let the readers know who is the liar,
Liar Laura claimed that she can’t read my blog because she has no clue who I am, Like all Zionist agents I met online she wants to know who is the uprooted Palestinian, is Alex is his real name???…
Here is a copy of her comment on the Blog she don’t know:
laura stuart said…There are some Palestinians amongst my friends who say that Assad has helped them, this is true.
But success will never come for the Muslims by expecting a solution from a deviant sect like the Shia. Success for the Palestinians will only come from Allah s.w.t. and the Palestinians of all people should know that there is no solution from any other power.
8:53 AM, March 01, 2012
I am sure Laura have read my comment on her post
What About Syria?on the wrong place. I wonder why”
Peter said…
Shame on you “laura Stuart”!
Calling Shia a deviant sect?! (reveals the divide and conquer strategy of the neo colonial/neo-imperial mind set.)
I am being polite, because calling Shia a deviant sect is deeply criminal. But hey, criminality is what defines the neo liberal neo conservative death cult that sent you to deliver this message of hate.
My immdeiate reaction is you play the role of the “Bride of Frankenstein” since your creator cowers in some MI6, Mossad, or Army/Naval Intelligence gay party house in Marseille or Naples.
Run along and play dear cuz the death cult that pays you hates you more then anyone else. They are the ultimate misogynists , but I am sure you are ignorant of this.It’s a pity how you are being used, some day soon they will throw you over their shoulder for someone else.(use them awhile then it’s over the shoulder)
9:35 PM, March 04, 2012