Via 'b' of course;... Turkish FM Davutoglu: The plane lost its "consciousness" and that's why it fell in Syria's waters.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: There is no any single warning to our plane before the shooting.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: Our plane shortly violated Syrian airspace, but not during the shooting time.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: It is possible to violate another state's air space due to weather conditions, or technical things.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: Turkish plane violated Syria's air space 15 minutes before the downing of our plane.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: Syria is trying connect the "not ill-intentioned violation" to the shooting of the plane. Irrelevant......
Turkish FM Davutoglu: Syria could have asked our intelligence why Turkish plane violated the Syrian air space. It didn't happen.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: Syria is saying that "we didn't know it was a Turkish plane." Our data suggests otherwise.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: We detected conversations in Syrian side, suggesting that they knew it was a Turkish plane.....
Turkish FM Davutoglu: Our next step after getting the entire picture was to inform the international community. Talked to 10 FMs last night.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: We will hold our consultations with NATO member states, permanent security council members.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: All countries we talked to expressed their solidarity with Turkey. They found us right......
Turkish FM Davutoglu: There was some data leaks from Syria we describe as "disinformation".....
Turkish FM Davutoglu: There were many violation of Syrian air space by other countries before. But Syria shot down our unarmed plane.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: No country can show courage to test Turkey's patience.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: If Syria has become an element of instability not only towards its people but in the region, we will respond to that....
Turkish FM Davutoglu: We should not link Syrian crisis and downed Turkish fighter jet......
Turkish FM Davutoglu: Iran FM Salihi called me first and said they will do their best regarding downed Syrian jet.
Turkish FM Davutoglu: I told Iranian foreign minister that Turkey expects clear position from Tehran regarding downed Turkish jet by Syria.
MT @MustafaEdib: Strong similarities b/w what #Ankara said after #flotilla incident and Syria jet downing. Not much achieved with #Israel
River to Sea
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