At DHS it’s a surveillance Eye in the Sky…
and staggeringly disproportionate
grant awards to Jewish organizations
fascism and philo-Semitism go hand-in-hand? It is an interesting question, and
one could point to plenty of evidence in support of the affirmative side of the
question. Take for instance Janet Napolitano. According to Wikipedia,
the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security is a Methodist, and is
also “of half Italian ancestry.” The article doesn’t specify what the other half is, but does give us the
Napolitano was born on November 29, 1957, in New York City, the daughter of
Jane Marie (née Winer) and Leonard Michael Napolitano, who was the dean of the
University of New Mexico School of Medicine.[3] She is of half Italian
ancestry[3][4] and is a Methodist.[5] She was the eldest of three children; she
has a younger brother and sister.
have speculated (here for example) that Napolitano’s
mother was Jewish, but regardless of her origins or any religious beliefs she
may or may not hold, Napolitano seems to have a deep love for Jewish people and
holds their concerns rather dear to her heart. She has even diverted
considerable resources from her departmental budget to ensuring their welfare
and security. Of special interest is a DHS initiative called the Nonprofit Security Grant Program—designed to provide “target
hardening” and “security enhancements” to American nonprofit organizations that
are deemed “at high risk of a terrorist attack.”
perhaps, it was a Jewish news organization, The Forward, that uncovered what appears to be striking
preference given to Jewish organizations in doling out NSGP grant monies.
grants have been of tremendous value to this community. It is really
unprecedented,” said Paul Goldenberg, national director of Secure Community Network, an umbrella organization
devoted to addressing security needs of Jewish communities, an organization
whose board of directors includes representatives from major Jewish organizations,
including the American Jewish Committee and the ADL.
remarks were quoted in a Forward report published September 29, 2011
which found that a whopping 73.7 percent of NSGP grants between the years
2007-2010 went to Jewish organizations. Or to put it in round numbers, out of a
total of 995 grants distributed, 734 went to Jewish groups. In August of 2011,
just before the article came out, the DHS announced its grant recipients for the
year 2011, and this time around Jewish nonprofits emerged even bigger winners—with 81 percent of the
that the grant awards amount to “disproportionate distribution,” The Forward gives us a small sampling of
what the money was used for:
Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School, in Chicago, put in new lights around its
building and parking lot and now has a state-of-the-art video surveillance
system with 12 cameras. Congregation Brith Shalom, in Bellaire, Texas, now has
blast-proof doors and windows. In Baltimore, the Bais Hamedrash & Mesivta
school installed a new gate to the parking lot and placed cameras throughout
the building. Earlier this month, Congregation B’nai Israel of Staten Island
put new shatterproof windows into its 40-year-old building.
State of
the art surveillance systems, blast-proof windows, and gated parking lots—while
increasing numbers of Americans find themselves living in the streets. It would suggest—would it not?—that postmodern
America is now being run in the interest of one ethnic group, to the exclusion
of all others. Goldenberg is correct. It is
you think Napolitano might hold any grudges against The Forward for making this information about her grant program public,
you’d be wrong. On June 4, 2012, the DHS secretary met with The Forward’s editorial staff and did a
podcast interview that can be accessed here in which she affirmed her belief
that Jews face special risks the rest
of us don’t have to worry about.
there are risks attendant on the Jewish community that are not attendant on all
other communities,” she said. She did
acknowledge she knows of no “specific, credible threat” against American Jews at
present, but then she added:
I would also say that this is a world where we always need to be leaning
forward, and we need to be thinking proactively, not just reactively, and that
applies particularly strongly to Jewish institutions.
And, as
if to demonstrate her proactive thinking, Napolitano mentioned her department’s
If You See
Something, Say Something
campaign—a DHS program that encourages Americans to report “suspicious activity”
to their local authorities—and she took pains to note for The Forward staff that the program’s promotional materials have
been translated into…yes…Yiddish.
Twelve Jews paying rapt attention to a "half Italian" Methodist:
Janet Napolitano speaks with staff at The Forward |
ISIS and Irises:
Big Brother Approaching FAST
But what
of non-Jewish Americans? What
perchance does the Department of Homeland Security have in store for us?
Hi-tech surveillance is one thing. DHS is presently testing a new video
surveillance system called ISIS (Imaging System for Immersive
Surveillance) that will give government authorities 360o crowd
monitoring capabilities with instant, high-resolution video capture.
Eye in the Sky: ISIS cameras may be
mounted on roofs, ceilings, or
truck-mounted telescoping masts.
According to DHS, the camera "sees it all." |
system employs “image stitching” technology, bringing together images from
multiple video lenses, making it possible for Big Brother to zoom in on
individual objects or faces in a crowd but without losing clarity in the
remaining field of view. The controllers of ISIS will have at their fingertips
a resolution capability of 100 megapixels, described as the equivalent of “50
full-HDTV movies playing at once, with optical detail to spare.” A software
system called “video analytics” will provide additional surveillance
capabilities, including the setting up of “exclusion zones”—with alerts being
flashed the moment such zones are breached—while yet another app will make it
possible for operators to:
target—a person, a package, or a pickup truck—and the detailed viewing window
will tag it and follow it, automatically panning and tilting as needed. Video
analytics at high resolution across a 360-degree field of view, coupled with
the ability to follow objects against a cluttered background, would provide
enhanced situational awareness as an incident unfolds.
A second
generation model of ISIS will feature custom sensors and video boards, longer
range cameras, and higher resolutions, while future plans call for equipping it
with infrared capabilities for recording events at night. “We’ve seen that
terrorists are determined to do us harm, and ISIS is a great example of one way
we can improve our security by leveraging our strengths,” says Dr. John
Fortune, of the Infrastructure and Geophysical Division of DHS’s Science and
Technology Directorate.
DHS is
currently testing ISIS at airports but has plans for expanding it to “other
critical venues.”
only barely scratches the surface. DHS employs more than
240,000 people, and
its budget for the year 2012 was $57 billion. With that much money and manpower, a
government agency headed by a raving philo-Semite can go a long way toward
trampling the remnant of privacy and freedoms in America.
Napolitano lays a wreath at the Holocaust Museum |
In 2010,
DHS began testing iris scanners, and the devices are now used in
certain situations at some border point entries. 2010 of course was the same
year the introduction of invasive pat downs and naked body
scanners at
airports began causing an uproar amongst the US public—but now the DHS is
treading into areas that once might have been thought of purely as the domain
of science fiction. Imagine having the ability to detect “malintent,” i.e.
whether or not a person may perhaps intend
to commit a crime or terrorist act at some point in the future. This is what DHS is working toward with its new Future
Attribute Screening Technology, FAST. The matter has been discussed at the
website End The Lie, where writer Madison Ruppert describes it as follows:
program collects and stores “physiological and behavioral signals” for
analysis, which are then used to determine if an individual could possibly
commit a crime in the future or if they harbor malicious intent.
Like the rest of the DHS programs, this requires no probable cause, let alone
suspicion of criminal activity.
The data is collected secretly and according to documents obtained by the
Electronic Privacy Information
Center (EPIC),
includes, “video images, audio recordings, cardiovascular signals, pheromones,
electrodermal activity, and respiratory measurements.”
“blink rate and pupil variation are measured too”, according to an unnamed
government source.
reportedly will also measure changes in voice pitch, as well as eye movements,
including pupil dilation and blink rate, and changes in speech rhythm and
intonation. -
Future Attribute Screening Technology, or FAST
noting is a scientist quoted by Ruppert who expresses doubt the technology can actually
work. Yet the technological advances the general public knows about are usually
ten or twenty years behind those the government works on in secret. Moreover, it’s
not hard to imagine a future in which FAST, or technology like it, could be
combined with civilian drones, some of which are no larger
than insects, as
well as a future in which “malintent” could be defined as something as facile
as planning to attend an Occupy Wall Street protest or harboring the belief
that Israel commits war crimes. Such possibilities tell of a future in which
vast populations are controlled by a small number of people… and they also form
the making of a totalitarian state such as has never before existed.
Napolitano with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak |
should worse come to worse, DHS is fully prepared to use deadly force. Earlier
this year, the department contracted for delivery of 450
million hollow point bullets for .40 caliber weapons. More
recent disclosures show it soliciting contracts for “personal defense
weapons”—designed for maximum concealment and close-quarters combat—that will
be capable of both automatic and semi-automatic fire and will come equipped
with flash suppressors and/or muzzle brakes. Requested are a total of 7,000
such weapons, which in turn are to be field tested with at least 4,000 rounds
of ammunition each, and if the guns pass the field tests, presumably additional
contracts will be awarded.
From Israel to the
Travels with Janet
In 2011,
the NSGP grant initiative was funded to the tune of $19 million. The following
year things changed a bit. The budget was cut to $10 million and the guidelines
were adjusted in such a manner that would, at least in theory, reduce the
built-in favoritism enjoyed by Jewish organizations. Previously in the
guidelines, preference was accorded to “nonprofit organizations with religious
affiliation,” giving Jewish groups a rather significant advantage over other
nonprofit organizations. This, as well as a change in the definition of “terror
threat,” perhaps resulted in some leveling of the playing field, however, as The Forward
noted, “Even
with the new guidelines, Jewish activists contend that the program will still
provide funding for the community’s security needs because of the increase in
threats against Jewish institutions mainly from groups close to Iran.”
it seems Napolitano is just as steadfast in her devotion to Jewish interests as
ever, indicating in her June 4 interview with The Forward that she was quite unperturbed over the fact that the
lion’s share of the NSGP grant money had been awarded to nonprofits serving
those interests.
fact that it ends up going to many Jewish organizations doesn’t in itself
bother me,” she said. She also informed her interlocutors she had seen no
indications the money had been misspent, and that she felt the program has been
a success.
With Shimon Peres |
most powerful Washington officials, Janet Napolitano is ever eager to meet with
Israeli leaders and spend time in the Jewish state. During her tenure as
Homeland Security director, Napolitano has made at least two trips to Israel—in
January of 2011, and again in May of this year. In her most recent visit she
signed an agreement with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman expanding
the Global Entry program to include Israel. Under that program, travelers from
a small number of select countries are given expedited passage through US
Customs ports upon their arrival in the US. In the past, a reciprocity
condition was placed upon countries seeking to join the program, however, in
the case of Israel that requirement was waived.
With Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman |
While in
Israel, Napolitano also met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, issuing the
standard and by now rather hackneyed line about “unshakeable bonds”
between the two countries—a talking point that seems to be especially in
fashion with the Obama administration this election year.
United States remains steadfastly committed to Israel’s security. The bonds
between our two nations are unshakeable, lasting and critical to both our
peoples,” she said.
In a
video, here, former Jew Brother Nathanael Kapner
alleges that the actual power behind DHS is not Janet Napolitano herself, and
that the real license remains in the hands of former DHS director Michael
Chertoff, along with Joseph Lieberman, who heads the US Senate’s Committee on
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. To this there may be some truth.
Wikipedia’s article on Napolitano records several
verbal gaffes and inconsistencies that would not seem indicative of a strong
leader. But be that as it may, Napolitano seems to have earned her stripes as
far as the ADL is concerned. On April 29th this year the Jewish
organization awarded her its William and Naomi Gorowitz Institute Service
Award. Previous recipients of the award—designed to recognize “outstanding
achievements in combatting terrorism, extremism, and injustice”—include
Chertoff and former CIA Director George Tenet. In her acceptance speech, Napolitano stated that the ADL has
“helped to train senior leaders at DHS” as well as “thousands of law
enforcement officers in communities around the country,” and she vowed to
continue her patronage of Jewish organizations:
all of our work to collaborate with the public and non-profits is clear in DHS’
relationship with the American Jewish community.
It’s a partnership that didn’t necessarily begin with this Administration, but
I’m proud that we have built upon and expanded it under President Obama’s
We have depended on this partnership recently as we’ve witnessed a number of
high profile domestic and international events that have directly impacted the
Jewish community, both here and abroad.
It’s also a partnership we have leveraged to make communities across the
country better prepared to deal with threats that may originate within this
country or abroad…
I met with Jewish community leaders at the White House last week, and we’ve
stayed in close contact over the past several months to address the issues I
just mentioned.
And we are working closely with the FBI to hold coordinated outreach and
briefings to the Jewish community; and to identify potential targets and
address any vulnerabilities.
She also
gushed about the “particularly strong partnership with our friend and steadfast
ally Israel,” and talked of how she has increased cooperation with the Jewish
state to “unprecedented levels.” A video of the speech is available here and includes opening remarks by
ADL Director Abe Foxman, who praises the “paramount concern” Napolitano and DHS
have shown for “the issues at the heart of ADL’s agenda.” Moreover, this wasn’t
the first award bestowed upon its great friend by the cuddly Jewish
organization. Foxman informs us that in 1998 Napolitano, while serving as
Arizona Attorney General, was recognized as the ADL’s “Leader of Distinction”,
and in 2007, as governor of the state, she was given the ADL’s “Torch of Liberty”
With Israel Reserve Chaplain Jacob Goldstein |
maybe one day they’ll hand her even yet another, for Napolitano does very much seem to stay busy on
behalf of Jews as she attends to her daily duties. As recently as June 11, just
one week after her meeting with The
Forward’s staff, she met with community leaders of the Jewish Federations of
North America, vowing—much as she did in her April speech at the ADL—to
continue her indulgences of Jewish organizations.
security begins with hometown security, and our nation’s faith-based organizations
play a critical role in keeping our communities safe,” she said, apparently
disregarding removal of the words “nonprofit organizations with religious
affiliation” from the NSGP guidelines. “DHS works closely with communities all across
the country so they are better prepared to deal with threats that may originate
within this country or abroad.”
Where Does it End?
It’s very
much worth noting that these symptoms of philo-Semitism exhibited by Napolitano
are not limited to her alone, but can be found throughout much of the Obama
administration—from the endless pandering to Israel by Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, to the Justice
Department’s arrests and subpoenas of pro-Palestinian activists.
And if we go to we can even find a section entitled Blog Posts Related to the
American Jewish Community.
All of this
would suggest that America is becoming more Jewish by the day, by the hour
even, and the more Jewish it becomes, the more fascist it becomes. If fascism
and philo-Semitism go hand-in-hand, does that lead us to conclude that most
Jews are by nature fascist? One thing I’ve observed over the course of a
lifetime is that Jews change their colors like a chameleon. When I was a kid
growing up in the sixties, Jews played key roles in both the civil rights and
anti-war movements. But then as Jewish power in America expanded and
solidified, Jews, practically en masse, crossed from the left to the right side
of the political divide. Like a chameleon, the colors changed. Such questions
as war or racism, and whether these are evils that must be opposed, are of
hardly any matter. They are trivial considerations. For chameleons the key
question is and will always be, “Is it good for the chameleons?”. This simply is how the
reptilian mind operates. The fact that the reptilian mindset has taken over the
chain of command in the USA should not surprise us.
Does Napolitano
care about the security concerns of all Americans, or only Jews? Is she the
Homeland Security director of America or Israel? Is she concerned that America’s
wars and atrocities in one Muslim country after another, whatever these may do
to advance the interests of the Jewish state, pose a security threat to every single
person in the US? These are questions that all Americans, even the Shabbes
Goyim among us, would do well to consider before the technology to control us
advances any further.
Update 1:
Since I finished writing the above story, the recipients of NSGP grants for
2012 were announced. Recall that above I mentioned that NSGP funding had been
cut this year—from $19 million down to $10 million. So what to do when a program
like this undergoes a budget cut? The answer DHS seems to have come up with is to
give an even higher percentage of the
money to Jewish organizations. In a July 2 story, Haaretz reports that this year 97 percent of the grant
monies, or $9.7 million, will be awarded to Jewish organizations. “The
Department of Homeland Security has demonstrated a great commitment to
protecting at-risk communities,” said Kathy Manning, chair of the Board of
Trustees of The Jewish Federations of North America. “These effective security
grants are vital to the ongoing protection of deserving institutions, enabling
us to work, worship, gather and learn without fear.”
Update 2:
The mainstream media do not seem to be covering this story (not surprising),
but here is more at the JTA.
Update 3:
If it is true that the Jewish community in America faces so many alleged
threats, then perhaps the Obama administration would care to address the
question of why this is. Does President Obama dismiss all this as mere “irrational
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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