A leading rabbi in the Breslav Hassidic community has publicly called on the Israeli government to intervene in Syria, or at least demand that other countries intervene, to prevent the slaughter of children, “even if some of them will grow up to be terrorists.”
“We must stand before the entire world
and demand immediate intervention in Syria” |
Rabbi Eliezer Berland, ....made this call at a revival gathering held last Thursday at the Ramat Gan Stadium ....
All people are created in the image of God, and all have a Godly spark; therefore solidarity between people was essential whether they are Jew, non-Jew or even “Ishmaelite.”
....Berland devoted much of his speech to the situation in Syria.
“They are butchering people there every day under our noses,” Berland said, after a brief review of the bloodbaths that had taken place there during the previous few days.
“The nations of the world are silent, and we, the Jewish people, the people of justice, the people of conscience and integrity, are the conscience of the entire world."
“We must stand before the entire world and demand immediate intervention in Syria, to stop the terrible massacre, to stop the terrible oppression by the ruling cult and the army and stand up for these miserable, desperate people. It doesn’t matter that they are Ishmaelites and it doesn’t matter even if some of them grow up to be terrorists; the first thing is to save the unfortunate children, babies, women – that’s the first mission.”
He referred to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has backed Syrian President Bashar Assad, as “the chief terrorist.”

....Berland’s public appearance last week also constituted a breaking of boundaries or sorts – those of his own Shuvu Banim community. Though he is considered an Israeli pioneer in bringing secular Jews to observance, over the past 12 years he has not appeared at any event not related to the community, which numbers some 700 families....In his address, Berland raised some other ideas that from a Haredi perspective would be considered revolutionary, such as “there’s no such thing as secular people,” and “essentially, there are no ‘goyim’ in the world; everyone is essentially a Jew, all of them have a Jewish spark; beloved is man, who was created in the image [of God].”
According to Dr. Zvi Mark, an expert on the Breslav community, these ideas are reminiscent of those espoused by Chabad, another popular Hassidic movement that reaches beyond the boundaries of its own community. He noted that Berland had ended his speech with the Chabad slogan, “We want the Messiah now.”
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
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