Sunday 12 September 2010

"Welcome my friends to the show that never ends",

By jerrygates7
 A comment on UP's mirror site

"Welcome my friends to the show that never ends", William Shakespeare. .... and so it goes, that Barack Obama is added to this all star cast of dancing with zionists against sanity, for occupation and leaning towards capitalist fascism. The rhetoric belies the actions of the cast of this strange reality show participants, ostensibly doing their bits to impress the audience, but whose watching we should ask... Surveys indicate that Israelis feel quite secure in there homeland taken from Palestine with grave costs to every conspiriator's soul, but that's beside the point, souless Israel will ot miss heaven nor God, they have theor stolen lands to comfort them treasure laid up in Mammon's bank, they are set for this life and care not if the next is hell. The show must go on, and for the New American president he is doing his level best to make it convincing, entertaining and adds his own brand of capitalist empire by droning Oruzgon youth whom his commanders averred were older, in a similar fit of zeal to serve their flag they disgraced it as Obama does. Democracy anyone?

The next episode is filled with democracy, we will enjoy the bitterness, infighting and maligmancies of democracy in the show of shows to begin as soon as the heckling GOP decides how to proceed . Of particular interst in upcoming debates, all for the show, will be the reasoning as to why Obama must not be seen to push Israel, That is simply put, we Americans are the pushee zionism and Israel the pusher.

How can it be any other way AIPAC avers, we are the Jews only nation's spokepeople and have our place in show business made to order for the zionistas, capitalism is our bag and we carry it about with suitcases filled with filthy lucre for our liars and thievs of empire, they need us, not their citizens, whom are easily cajoled into complicity as war criminals, why not war crimes are exonerated in the US by the president himself, is it any wonder why Israel invests so much money and effort in sidleing up to such a powerful exonerator of war criminals?

This is Jewtopian idealism, just look at the cast Hillary the Aipac queen, Gates the lecherous war profiteer, Napolitano the brigand of empire and of course, Bibi, that monstrous egotist who scares the shit out of Obama. The season begins with the usual start of peace talks and ends with the usual inflammed tensions for Palestine while Israel smoke dope on the beach, it's a wonderful life, yes, well, at least we try to make it seem so.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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