Two State Solution VS Two stage solution
Jun 14, 2009
Let me explain it to you Mr. politburo chief: Iran has clout and is a regional power, so Obama has to deal with it. Also, Iran (under the right conditions) has been beneficial to the Empire, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, so Obama is trying to put the ayatollahs to good use. Syria has some influence (especially in Lebanon) and Obama is trying to divide and conquer, by moving Syria away from Iran.
But Hamas, Mr. politburo chief, regardless of how much "moderation" it shows, and how much begging it does, has no clout, and is safely caged in the Gaza concentration camp while Dayton destroys any presence it has left in the West Bank.
By removing Iran and Syria from the equation, Hamas will be cut off and the plan is to destroy it or at least domesticate it, just as Arafat was domesticated and finally destroyed.
You got that now, Mr. politburo chief?
# posted by Tony : 11:01 PM
To highlight his double standard I would apply the his arguement "preying" on Lebanon.
Let me explain it to you "Sayyed Nasrallah": Iran has clout and is a regional power, so Obama has to deal with it. Also, Iran (under the right conditions) has been beneficial to the Empire, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, so Obama is trying to put the ayatollahs to good use. Syria has some influence (especially in Lebanon) and Obama is trying to divide and conquer, by moving Syria away from Iran.By removing Iran and Syria from the equation, "Hezbullah" will be cut off and the plan is to destroy it or at least domesticate it, just as Arafat was domesticated and finally destroyed.
You got that now, "sayyed Nasrallah"?
BTW, The donkey, who used to post Nasrallah's speeches in both Arabic and English ignored the last speech of Nasrallah. Most likely he is mad at him not only for losing election, but for dealing positively with the results.
However, I have to agree even with a preying donkey, on the half truth he preyed.
Yes Iran is a regional power. I would add that Iran smartly won 4 wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza) without shooting a single pullet. So contrary to the Donkey claimed it is the USA (under the right conditions) has been beneficial to the Regional power. Therefore Obama administration has to deal with Iran, and I claim that its the ayatollahs who would try to put Obama to good use.
Yes Obama is TRYING, actually trying hard with Iran and Trying with Syria, and shall try with Lebanon. I wonder why the Donkey is so sure that Obama's try shall succeed. Bosh tried to change the regimes in Both Iran and Syria, and failed, tried to destroy Hezbullah, and caged Hamas and failed.
The USA tried for 2 decades to divide and conquer, and failed to break the Syria, Iran strategic relation.
So, its the USA who bowed to both Syria and Iran, and Both are not stupid to dump their most powerful cards (Hezbullah and Hamas).
Yes Hamas as Mashaal said Hamas was in the midst of a difficult period. "We have reached difficult times. This is not an easy stage. Our rights have been violated, and we will present our vision."
Do I have to talk again about Geopolitics putting Hamas between the Zionists Hummer and Pharaoh's pad
The Question is: Would Hamas amid this difficult period bow and recognize Israel and sellout ROR.
I voted NO, and my pull shows that 92% voted NO.
Palestinians are split between two options
Fath option: Two state solution (Selling right of return)
Hamas option: Two Stage Solution
Benny Begin, a minister without portfolio and son of former premier Menahem Begin. said "If the only solution is two states for two peoples, then there is no solution," Begin insisted that the Palestinians were not after a two-state solution but wanted a "two-stage solution at the end of which there would be a single PLO-Hamas state."
I fully agree with Benny Begin. As long as Hamas exists chellenging the Legimity of Ramullah traitor, any two state solution without Hamas recognition is a stage shall lead at the to the other stage, the collaps of Zionism.
Therefore, Hamas state should be destroyed, or at least skould be domesticated.
Again, would Hamas bow?
Would Syria betray Hamas?
Let us connect the dots to see who bowed
"We are a player in the region. If you want to talk about peace, you can't advance without Syria." "you must deal with Syria on her terms". Bashar Al-assad Feb 18, 2009
'in order to achieve regional peace major parties including Hamas and Hezbollah must be included in the talks." Bashar Al-assad March 11, 2009
The United States has presented Egypt and Israel with a plan meant to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict within two years, based on the two-state solution, the London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper reported Tuesday. Obama administration is trying to push forward not only about peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but also peace between Israel and both Syria and Lebanon.
On the Israeli side Peres Called for Palestinian State with Temporary Borders . Freezing settlements is rejected and Netanyahu is expected to "present a few conditions for the implementation of the road map, above all a Palestinian recognition of “Israel” as the homeland of the Jewish people. He will also demand that the future Palestinian state be demilitarized."
Again, would Hamas bow??
What about the 1948 Arabs?
Carter visited damuscuss to check the waters, he met Mashaal who expressed his Hope that Obama may Cancels Conditions for Talks with Hamas, [Recognition of Israel and giving up ROR]
Mashaal also expressed his determination to cooperate, positively, with "any international and regional effort which will lead to a just solution (Iwould call it also a 2 stage soltion):
- end the Israeli occupation,
- achieve the Palestinian people's national rights,
- the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital,
- the return of refugees,
- the removal of settlements and real sovereignty in the ground, on the crossings and in the air."
Some will consider that a sign that Hamas may bow.
Here I would ask: What about the uprooted Palestinians specially in Lebanon taking into consideration the Lebanese Vetto on Settling Palestinians.
It is Lebanon's Lahoud who insisted to put the ROR in the Arab peace initiative. In Lebanon, despite the victory of March 14 movement, the US is disappointed.
"Lebanon is likely to slide again into a political crisis over the formation of the next government, similar to the one that battered the country for the last four years. The new government should rule the country based on a policy statement that would set its fixed standards and govern its conduct for the next four years. It goes without saying that the most complicated issues on the statement will be the legitimacy of the resistance and its weapons on the one hand and the settlement of Palestinian refugees.
"Hezbollah, which stands firmly with the right of return of Palestinian refugees, has warned that the next government must vow not to touch the arms of the resistance, period. "
Hariri declared that he is ready to give Nasrallah all gaurantees for its arms. Carter said, “Oh, I don’t think Hezbollah’s going to create any problems for Obama, or for Lebanon. I think they’re satisfied to maintain the status quo.”
But, "On the other hand, Hezbollah’s ally, Aoun, who continues to lead the Christian majority in Lebanon with more impetus, is a fierce opponent to any project aimed at settling Palestinians in Lebanon."
Can Hariri Gurantee that setlling is not going to happen??
"The project to settle Palestinian refugees in Lebanon would surely mean that the country would transform into a confederation; the kind of state some key poles in the March 14 alliance, namely Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, have been envisioning...... the project to transform the country into a confederation where Palestinians, Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and minorities would live in ghettos has permanently failed."

I'm in agreement with you, UP
I've just read an interesting article "Mishal’s Luck" (actually it is a book review). All Palestinians should know about Hamas's history. It has already known difficult times in the past when Arafat, acting as surrogate police for the settler state, tortured them and pointed at them the guns he had received from the garrison state. Hamas was much smaller and weaker then, however it survived and became far more stronger. Any Palestinian should know -and the "Meshal's Luck" article recalls it, in case anyone has forgotten, what was the core idea for Meshal and for Hamas's foundation. Hamas will not bow and will never waive the RoR or any other sacred palestinian right. They won't follow on Arafat's steps -as A.A. sometimes says and others repeat- just because that is precisely the reason why Hamas was established in the first place, to strengthen the home front, retake the path of the resistance and keep away of Arafat's zio-options.
Besides, the Hamas leaders made an oath before Allah in this regard and it won't be breached, much the less for these people who are true to their religious beliefs.
So, to sum up:
-Considering Hamas was not destroyed under Dahlan's savage repression, when it was much weaker
-Considering it was not destroyed under Arafat's rule, he being far more charismatic than the uncharismatic and illegitimate Abbas
-Considering that Hamas is well aware of Egypt's (and Jordan) old record of betraying the Palestinians.
-And considering the core principles under which Hamas was created,
then, it won't be Egypt who will subdue them; much the less a pathetic cretin and traitor like Abbas.
Consequently,decent people in Fatah (and I hope there are still many), either refund their party AND join hands with Hamas towards the common cause, or else they´ll go down to the dustbin of history.
By the way, I've read a zio-article (not sure if it was on the J-Post) indicating that Abbas had presented Obama a "final plan" based on the Saudi initiative and the roadmap, signed in support by several arab regimes as well as by the EU. The article adds that Abbas had informed Syria about it, but she refused to sign. So, despite what the Syrian bashers tend to think, there's no Syrian sell out of the Palestinians for the time being.
6:51 PM, June 11, 2009
- There is Love in the Air: ..I Love You.....You Love Me....We're A Happy Family....: Fatah deadlock continues
- Hamas "Improving": From "Immunity to learning" To "Immaturity" - updated
The donkey preyed on every occasion about domesticated Hamas, But he never dared to prey about domesticated Hezbullah.
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