By Aadel M Al-Mahdy
Mubarak is sick and in fact his behavior is pretty much similar to that of Captain Ahab of Moby Dick. Ahab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod who was driven by a monomaniacal desire to kill Moby Dick, the whale that maimed him on his previous whaling voyage.
That said, I have watched tens of video clips, read tens of articles, listened to so many analysis by experts and otherwise, watched the sick dictator and his sicker VB speeches, been updated about events by my brother and my sister who live in Egypt.
Under the corrupt regime, Egyptians who suffered poverty, corruption, loss of dignity, pride and honor for almost three decades, decided to stand up for themselves against the corrupt regime. They came from every walk of life, men and women, young and old, educated and non-educated, religious and atheist, Muslims and Christians; all motivated by no outside or inside agenda, groups of any sort, but by their yearn for freedom and democracy. They have had enough and they demanded a change of the man at the helm and his entourage of thugs and fat cats.
Clinging to the chair like Captain Ahab to his revenge, the dictator in his last speech announced that he was not going to step down as the demonstrators demanded. And there comes his thug and CIA agent VB Omar Sileiman, breaking in his peach multiple basic Arabic grammar rules (not that his English is any better), lying through his teeth and threatening the demonstrators.
Muslims and Christians
Both speeches were not only a severe slap on the demonstrator's cheek, but a serious insult felt by everybody in the Square. But they firmly refused to turn to him the other cheek. On the contrary their belief that the regime is offering but empty promises and is corrupt to the core, have much more deeper set its roots.
Now in the light of the fact that the military stance towards the people and the government has not so far been clear. And given the fact that news came to the service lately that the military participated in kidnapping and torturing demonstrator which in the demonstrators' eyes made them as tyrant as the police forces, I would put my own analysis as follows: 1) Egyptians have been protesting for more than two weeks, 2) Demonstrators are definitely tired and frustrated, 3) Demonstrators are angry and by insulting the frustrated demonstrator, they will become angrier and lose control of themselves, 4) Loss of control will beget violence which in return begets blood shedding, and 5) At this right moment, the government will jump in and call upon the army to interfere under false and hypocrite pretext of protecting the country from falling into the abyss.
Nonetheless in the light of the fact that a division between military junior officers (some of them have already gave up their arms and joined the demonstrators), and the senior officers who are the fuzzy puppies spoiled by the regime, a coup d'etant is likely to happen.
In any case, Mubarak days are counted but on one hand's fingers. Captain Ahab of Moby Dick clung on his revenge, but ended up dead. The Egyptian revolution whale will at the end of the day prevail.
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
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