Nawwara Nagm, 'One of the most articulate voices of Egypt’s revolution is thirty-seven year old Nawwara Nagm. She has been a well-known political activist and a severe critic of Pharaoh’s regime working as one of the most articulate voices of Egypt’s revolution is thirty-seven year old Nawwara Nagm. She has been a well-known political activist as well as a
severe critic of Mubarak’s regime.
In 1995 she was first arrested for protesting the inclusion of the zionist entity in Cairo’s annual Book Fair. Since Jan. 25, Nawwara has been "an eloquent spokesperson expressing the steadfast political demands of the organizers and protesters, and in the process mobilizing the support of millions of Egyptians and Arabs who are constantly following the revolution on Al-Jazeera and other satellite networks."
Her father, Ahmad Fuad Nagm, 81,(the inseparable companion of the blind Sheikh Imam, who put Negm's poetry to music, and sang it) is perhaps the most popular radical poet in Egypt. I would say he is the prophet and the poet in of the great Egypt’s revolution.
He and Late Sheikh Immam has been in and out of prison because of their political and satirical poems/somgs that directly attack not only the regime but also its head.
mother is "
Safinaz Kazem who broke many barriers as a female journalist. Educated in the U.S. in the 1960’s, she became one of the most respected literary and film critics and political analysts publishing in major Egyptian newspapers and magazines."

"By 1971 "she was banned from writing, then imprisoned 3 times and branded a communist." The communists rejected her and the then growing Islamist movement viewed her with suspicion."
Kazem, "who was widely viewed as a
leftist, went on pilgrimage with her mother in 1972.
She returned wearing the head cover at a time when almost no one else wore it. The next thing she did was to marry ...... Ahmed Fouad Negm...Why did she do it?
She argues that the
nationalist in her pushed her to save and preserve "this value" for "Egypt." "He went to prison for us and no one did anything for him... and when he proposed he said he needed someone to take care of him...
So I donated myself to Negm.... No one approved, not even Negm's "communist" group. They rejected the idea that a "bourgeois woman" could take their poet away....... "My decision was a creative act in which I utilised all my skills.
I believed that Negm was the best poet of his age. Whether this was right or wrong, I strongly believed it."
"Kazem and Negm were arrested in 1973. She was pregnant at the time. She was accused of being a founding member of the Workers' Communist Party, "of which I knew nothing," she exclaims.
In 1975, when her daughter was barely a year old, she was arrested again.....Once she was out,..." She realised this wouldn't be the last time. "I had a daughter and I didn't want her to suffer, so I decided to leave the country."
On September 1975, Kazem flew to Iraq to work at Al-Mustansiriya University... She returned, to find her mother dead and her husband married to another woman. "I was ready to forgive him for our daughter's sake, and because I wanted to pursue what I had begun, but he was hesitant. So I took the decision and asked for divorce."
She returned to Iraq and 10 months later married her "Iraqi husband".
But the Iranian revolution erupted in '79 and she gave it her full support, sending Khomeini a telegram of congratulations. Moreover, she was leading anti-Camp David protests. Saddam Hussein took over and "life in Iraq became intolerable.
He was against the Iranian revolution, the Shi'ites... Many human rights abuses and killings were taking place." Kazem fled to Cairo...A year later, however, in September 1981, she was detained and only released following Sadat's assassination.
"Kazem is at peace with herself. Those who think she's mad, confused, irrational, emotional, aggressive, a feminist because she doesn't like to be called 'Madame' and a Marxist-turned Islamist, don't really count.
"I'm a Muslim, always was. Islam sums it all up."
According to Safinaz Kazem, "Qasim Amin's project was not to liberate but to Westernise women." She referred to Amin's description of Egyptian women as "dirty -- a far cry from their good- looking, clear counterparts in the West". The "so called enlightenment project", she said, of which feminism was part, was the work of coterie of intellectuals "drawn away from their Islamic roots to Western culture, the products of a 70- year-old occupation"; they should no longer be a reference point, she argues, "now that we have a better knowledge of our religion".
For many years, Ahmed Fouad Negm and Sheikh Imam "
formed a duo composing and singing political songs. Though their songs were banned on Egyptian radio and television stations, they were popular among ordinary people in the 1960s and 1970s. Their revolutionary songs criticizing Arab regimes, particularly after their spectacular defeat in the 1967 war led to their imprisonment and detention on many occasions. In the mid-1980s"
Three decades ago Negm defended the Islamic revolution of Iran, predicted that what happened there shall happen in Egypt. It took three decades, but it happenned.
Three decades ago, they said Iran turned from Percian Sheaa Iran into Arbic Suni Iran, and now some are saying, the revolution is turning Egypt in a Percian sheaa Egypt.
الشرق الأوسط - قبل ثلاثة عقود ونيف وفي مثل هذه الايام المصرية بالضبط كانت نار "الثورة الشعبية الايرانية الحرة والمستقلة" تنقل ايران الدولة والمجتمع والوطن من مدرسة "الانتظار السلبي" "الاخبارية" الى مدرسة "الانتظار الفاعل" الاصولية !
يومها قيل فيما قيل عن ايران الاسلامية الخمينية بانها تحولت من شيعية ايرانية الى سنية عربية !
اليوم وبعد ثلاثة عقود ونيف يندلع غضب " الثورة الشعبية المصرية الحرة و المستقلة" لتنقل مصر الدولة والمجتمع والوطن من مدرسة "الاصولية الارثدوكسية" "التاريخية" الى مدرسة "الاصولية الحركية" الاجتهادية !
واليوم يقال فيما يقال عن مصر ناصر والبنا بانها قد تحولت من سنية عربية الى شيعية ايرانية !
ومن اجل حل هذه "المشكلة الفقهية العويصة" التي يرطن بها بعض بؤساء هذه الامة ممن يسمون انفسهم بالمثقفين كما لعب عليها ولا يزال " السافاك المصريكاني" والتعبير للشاعر المصري الثائر احمد فؤاد نجم قررنا الرجوع اليه وهو اليساري العريق لكنه الفقيه في اصول ثورات الشعوب واستحضار ما قاله يومها عن هذا الموضوع لعلنا نفك" لغز الفراخ الامريكاني" هذا ونريح الامة من شره , فقد قال احمد فؤاد نجم يومها :
دا شيعة واحنا سنة دا فين ومصر فين!
عايزين يدخلونا نظام ودنك منين
... يا اسيادنا اللصوص قرينا في النصوص
لو الانسان يغوص يغوروا الفرقتين
وشفنا في الكتاب لقينا الدين حساب
وثورة وانتساب وعين تساوي عين
.... ودان الملك ليكو وزاد الفجر بيكو
وكفرتوا الامام وطفشتوا الحمام
خلاصة الكلام .. يزيد ولا الحسين ؟!
هذا الكلام لشاعر يساري قبل ثلاثة عقود ونيف وفي اوج انتصار ثورة دينية خمينية شيعية ايرانية لهو برهان متين على بصيرة ثائر من بلاد العرب والمسلمين شخص مبكرا اتجاه البوصلة وقدم تقديرا للموقف تقديرا صائبا الا وهو بان المسالة بالاساس سياسية وان الحساب والمحاسبة انما يكونان على اختيار المعسكر الذي ينبغي ان تقف فيه النخب مع الجموع المليونية الثائرة ام مع الفرعون والطاغية المستبد والظالم و التابع للاجنبي ممن يريد اعادة احياء حكم القياصرة او الاكاسرة ؟!
واما عن اولئك الذين يتهافتون اليوم على ادوار تضليل الراي العام العربي او محاولة حرف انظاره عن حقيقة الثورة المصرية او التسابق على ارضاء "السافاك الامريكاني" او ما تبقى من الفراخ الامريكاني في المنطقة العربية والاصرار على وجود اختلاف جوهري او ماهوي بين الثورتين الايرانية والمصرية مرة بذريعة استدعاء "بعبع" الاسلام ومرة باسم استدعاء ذرية "التدين" و.... هنا ايضا نريد الرجوع الى شاعر الامة المصرية العظيمة اليساري الملتزم والاصيل والملتصق نبضه بنبض جماهير امته , فلنستمع الى ما قاله قبل ثلاثة عقود ونيف ايام انتصار الثورة الاسلامية الايرانية الكبرى
ايران يا مصر , زينا
كان عندهم ما عندنا
الدم هو دمنا والهم من لون همنا
تمسك ودانك من قفاك
تمسك ودانك من هناك
الخالق الناطق هناك
الخالق الناطق هنا
الارض حبلى بالربيع وبالغنى
والجو مشحون بالقصايد والغنا
والشمس فوق الكل تشبه شمسنا
والثورة ملو الارض والناس والبنا
بس العصابة الامريكاني مربعة فوق الغلابة والديابة مضبعة
والصحفجية العرصجية الاربعة
لابسين صاجات وكل حاكم له غنا
تمسك ودانك من قفاك تمسك ودانك من هنا الخالق الناطق هناك الناطق الخالق هنا
نفس البلاوي ع الغلابة متلتة من فقر شوف وهم خوف
نازل بلا والقهر زاد والسيف على رقاب العباد
والمخبرين زي الجراد ملو الخلا والفنانين المومسين والفنانات
دول شغالين تبع وزير الاعلانات
يحصل جواز يحصل طلاق يحصل ممات
دول مبسوطين ومأبجين طول السنة
تمسك ودانك من قفاك تمسك ودانك من هنا
اللي حصل فيهم هناك
لازم حيصل
عندنا !
وهنا ينتهي كلام الشاعر المصري البصير والخبير بنبض الامة
اما نحن الذين نتابع يوميا ملايين المصريين وهو يرسمون ملامح ثورة شعبية جديدة في ساحة التحرير ليس امامنا الا ان نقول له :
سبحان الخالق هناك سبحان الخالق هنا ....
واما بعد ذلك فليمت الامريكيون والصهاينة وبطاناتهم في غيضهم الى اي دين او قومية او طائفة او مذهب او نخبة من النخب البائسة اواليائسة انتموا, ذلك ان عيال الله التحموا برجال الله في ميدان التحرير في القاهرة كما في كل ميادين مصر العظيمة والله غالب على امره ولو كره السافاك المصريكاني او اغتاظ الفراخ الامريكاني
محمد صادق الحسيني
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
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