Wednesday 7 April 2010

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations:

 Contributed by Nahida

For half a century, the Conference of Presidents has played a key role in American and world Jewish history. From mass public events to private diplomacy, the Conference has been in the forefront of mobilizing support for Israel and educating the public in times of war and conflict, and in the pursuit of peace.

Today, the Conference of Presidents remains American Jewry’s recognized address for consensus policy, collective action, and maximizing the resources of the American Jewish community. When events in the U.S., Israel and elsewhere affect the American Jewish community, the Conference of Presidents take the lead to explain and analyze issues, provide a link between American Jewry and the U.S. government, and marshal a coordinated community response.

Who We Are

  • the central coordinating body for American Jewry, representing 52 national Jewish agencies from across the political and religious spectrums.

  • the voice of organized American Jewry, speaking and acting on the basis of consensus on issues of vital international and national concern.

  • the proven and effective advocate of affiliated American Jews,

  • forging diverse groups into a unified force for Israel's well-being.

  • the central forum for key American, Israeli and other world leaders to address critical issues of concern to the American Jewish community.

What We Do

  • strengthen and foster the special U.S.-Israel relationship.
  • ensure that Israel's interests are heard and understood by policy makers, opinion molders and the American public.
  • address critical foreign policy issues that impact the American Jewish community.
  • represent the interests of organized American Jewry.

  • protect and enhance the security and dignity of Jews around the world. 
Click to learn more about the Conference's 

leadership, member organizations, and issueson our agenda.

River to Sea
 Uprooted Palestinian

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